It’s an era of Social Media, and emotions play a vital role in providing useful information about your customer’s interests. The make-shift trend of Digital Design and vibrant color palettes help the heads turn and keep eyes hooked to your content. But we all know that creating a mental hook is a difficult job. So, here are a few tips with which you can get a larger attention span of your audience. Portraying the brand is what designers must do, which is not an easy task. Also, designers must bring out emotion from the viewers through social media design. If the designer manages to evoke emotions in the viewer, then he or she has been successful in creating a fantastic social media design. Here are 10 ways in which designers can bring out various emotions through social media design:
11 Types of Gradients for Creating Stunning Backgrounds
It is safe to say that color has the potential to make or break a design. While sometimes a plain black and white design might get too monotonous, the use of gradients comes into the picture. Essentially, a gradient is one color that fades or merges into another. This gives a light to dark, or multicolour effect. Positively, gradients are making a comeback, and this trend is already visible on many websites as well. To make it easy, let’s try to understand what a gradient is, and then look at their usage through the course of this article with a few examples.
13 Smart Architecture Logo Designs
For any company belonging to any sector, a logo acts as the first identity that customers and clients base their initial opinion about the company on. It acts as a visual identity of any company’s products and services. A logo helps a customer or a client create a sense of trust, clarity and their initial perception about your brand. Since logos are visual, they also help the most with the retention of a brand association for your existing customer or client pool. It is especially true for architecture logo designs.
20 Examples of Bad Website Designs to Avoid
Websites are like our second home. A website works as your online image and is judged upon harshly by your users. This is the reason that making a great design for your website is very important. However, sometimes the websites really don’t look how they should, or how you originally envisioned them after they are coded from design into live sites. Following are 20 examples of bad website designs which would help you to avoid such mistakes in your website creation. Some websites made it to this list because their design elements serve no purpose, while others are so user-unfriendly that we had to include them. Please note that some of these websites are very well known. “Bad design” can be quite subjective, so before you leave comments disagreeing with our list, please keep that in mind :) If you have more websites to add, or want to comment on anything written in this bad website designs roundup, please don’t be shy to comment below.
20 Graphic Design Websites You Will Be Inspired From
Graphics designing has become the core of every industry for the past decade. The entire digital marketing concept is based on graphic designing. For every website we create, for every blog we post, and for every Instagram post, we require graphics that speak for us. Top companies are identifying the needs of graphics and have started adopting them using the latest trends.
19 Modern Website Design Examples to Learn From
With many websites online today, you would think that the possibility of coming across a website that looks attractive, functions properly and contains useful elements is high, but the reality is different. Many websites are online today, but not all have the modern website design that you want to learn from or be inspired by. Such sites push boundaries to stand out in the market, and many organizations make it a point to highlight their modern websites.
20 School Website Design Examples for Learning Institutions
Having a website for any business is very crucial for the online presence of the company. When it comes to having a school website, the site must be made in such a way that it can convince the visitors. Your website visitors will either be parents, students, or alumni. Your website is a digital asset for your school or institute, so make sure your website is user-friendly and provide aesthetic usability, interactivity, and creativity.
15 Website Design Ideas to Create an Awesome Design
In this Digital era, having a website for your company or business is very common. But does your website have interactive and creative design? Does your website have those design elements that make your site engaging? Your site must consist of innovative, eye-catchy design elements that can make your site stand out, as it will help you bring more clients to your business. Many people don’t know how much their business sales and brand awareness will increase if their site is responsive and consists of all the right design elements on their website.
20 Perfect Attorney Web Design Examples for Lawyers & Law Firms
Making an attractive and user-friendly website is essential for any website, whether it’s an e-commerce website, a blog, or a law firm website. However, as a law firm website, your site design should be designed in such a manner that your users can use it with the utmost ease.
15 Beautiful Dental Website Design Examples for Dentists
When you create a website according to your taste, you are missing the purpose of a website. You should not design your website according to your style. You should design a website that attracts your target audience that eventually books an appointment through your website or calls your office to do so. Especially for dentists, it is important to create a dental website design that is trustworthy, visually appealing and user-friendly.