Modern web designers are like a jack of all trades because they possess lots of soft skills, and know how to design, test, and even sell their designed projects to big companies. When looking at the open vacancies where employers seek web designers, there are now also basic requirements of coding. If you have never even tried to understand the fundamentals of programming, you should start thinking about it now to be competitive in the industry. Let’s take a look at the top 7 reasons why you need to learn to code.
Web Design
Web Design Concept Tips If You’re Building an Online Casino Website
Imagine the following scenario: Two online casinos have all the relevant licenses and certifications; both offer high tech games and both offer attractive sign-up bonuses to their new customers. Yet one of these casinos is popular, attracting huge numbers of visitors, whilst the other is not. The difference? One online casino has an attractive, intuitive, and well-considered design. The other doesn’t.
5 Essential Tips That Will Allow You to Improve Your Web Design
Unfortunately, you do not have all day to impress visitors with your website. You can have the best content in the world and it can be ignored. The first couple of seconds when a customer lands on your website is important. You need to make sure that you capture their attention straight away before they are even going to get to your content. Are you not sure how to do this? Here are five essential tips that are going to allow you to improve your web design.
15 Web Design and Conversion Tips for SaaS Websites
When it comes to service companies handling various business functions, SaaS companies are the best. They are a market that has started growing immensely in the past few years. These types of organizations handle Customer relationship management, enterprise risk management, and so much more.
What makes them so memorable is their functionality and accessibility. They make products available to be bought online and even to be accessed in the same way.
10 Tips to Get Minimalist Web Design Right
Minimalist approach is one of the best in web design today. When designers get into designing websites, there is a whole lot of necessary and essential things. The list of items gets piled on, and the site starts to look crowded. We have consistently striven to bring out the point that content is the most important thing when it comes to minimalist web design. Many designers continue to clutter web designs and make them look all flashy and bright. When you look at the difference between minimalist design and a regular design, you will likely prefer the minimalist design approach. To create a minimalist web design, there are certain general guidelines you should follow. We’ve put together 10 such guidelines, as follows:
20 Must Have Photoshop Plugins for Web Designers
Adobe Photoshop is a must-have for web designers that helps designers create UI (user interface)/UX (user experience), icons, graphics, wireframes, and mockups. Photoshop design options and plugins have given the design platform a different experience overall and speedy accomplishment of tasks with varied options. Photoshop, along with the appropriate plugins, helps you get your desired result within a short period of time by cutting out the time spent on getting trivial things done. There may be many specifications or design options that Photoshop doesn’t have, but the plugins and extensions that are available help augment all of Photoshop’s shortcomings. Try out these Adobe Photoshop plugins that change the way you design.
Breadcrumbs Design 101
How often do we go to an unknown place and have this fear of getting lost? All we look for is for signs to help us navigate the surroundings. We’re looking for something that helps us get around the unknown territory. Some information that would help us reach the destination or at least will keep us informed about where we are. Well, that is precisely what breadcrumbs do for websites; in simpler words, they are the signs for websites. For websites that have a large number of pages, for instance, e-commerce sites, breadcrumbs help users to navigate and improve their website experience. A breadcrumb helps reduce the efforts for the visitor to reach a higher-level page.
How to Create Cool Website Designs Without Sacrificing Usability
Let’s face it; any of us wants to have cool website designs that are going to get the attention of people. Combining the right design elements is crucial for the success of a website. If you ask all of your friends, at least half of them will say that the design of a site plays an important role in the credibility of a company.
This means it also influences conversions, bounce rates, and more. Still, a good design doesn’t mean a website is going to succeed, that is not enough. It also needs a clear structure that is going to make any user visiting it has no kind of problems while browsing.
Web Design Trends to Look For in 2020
Web design is constantly growing and evolving. Staying current can seem like a full-time job — today’s hot design trend could be tomorrow’s cause for mockery and disdain. But at the same time, an outmoded website can send the message that you’re out of touch, or worse, just don’t care. Here are a few ways you can keep your website fresh and stay on the cutting edge for 2020.
Web Designer vs Web Developer – Who Are You And Who Should You Be?
Things are not always what we think they are. This is the reason some of our assumptions are named as myths by our experts. The role of a web designer and a web developer always involves many such myths, which we are going to explore in this web designer and web developer comparison article.