A common feature amongst the top design portfolio and agency websites is a visually presented explanation of their design process. This simple idea of describing how a potential client’s project will be handled from start to finish is a great way of securing projects and giving the customer an insight into what their working relationship with the designer(s) will be like. This showcase rounds up a bunch of impressive examples of how various designers have explained their design process with the aid of clever graphical elements.
10 HTML Entity Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit
It has been over a couple of years since I posted my HTML tag and usability crimes posts, both of which are amongst the most popular articles here on Line25. There’s something about this title people just can’t resist! Let’s take a look at ten crimes you may be committing in your HTML content. These won’t exactly land you a life sentence, but I bet almost every one of us will be guilty of at least one of these petty crimes.
jQuery Plugins for Styling Checkbox & Radio Buttons
The checkbox and radio button versions of input elements used in forms on the web are amongst the most difficult to style according to your overall web design. These elements will display differently depending on the user’s operating system, but we can change their appearance globally with the help of jQuery.
Create a Grid Based Web Design in HTML5 & CSS3
Follow this step by step walkthrough of the making of a sleek, grid-based website design for an eyewear brand in HTML5 and CSS3. We’ll build the HTML structure with the latest elements then style up the appearance of the site with CSS3 affects to match the original Photoshop concept with minimal use of background images.
How to Code a Stylish Portfolio Design in HTML/CSS
Over on my Blog.SpoonGraphics design blog this week, I posted a Photoshop design tutorial that takes you through the process of building a stylish portfolio design concept. Follow this second part of the tutorial here on Line25, where we’ll code up a stylish portfolio design into a fully working HTML and CSS website. Stick around for part three, when we’ll go a step further and convert the static website into a WordPress build.
Create a Stylish Contact Form with HTML5 & CSS3
Follow this step by step process to create your own stylish contact form completely out of HTML5 and CSS3. We’ll be using a couple of the handy new features in HTML5 to add cool functionality to our form, while making use of cool CSS3 properties to recreate our Photoshop concept purely in code.
How To Create Your Own Custom WordPress Theme
Follow this overview of the build process to create your own custom WordPress theme. We’ll be taking my latest theme design from its basic HTML and CSS mockup and inserting the various WordPress template tags to build a fully working theme ready to install on your blog.
10 Common Validation Errors and How To Fix Them
Designers spend hours carefully crafting every little detail in the design of their website, but the quality of their coding often comes up short. For proof, just look at the sites showcased in CSS galleries, 90% will have validation errors – Most of which are easy and simple fixes. Let’s look at some of the most common validation errors that appear time and time again, and how to correct them to really finish off your sites with high-quality code.
Design a Textured Outdoors Website in Photoshop
Learn how to design a textured outdoors website in Photoshop, by following this easy, step by step tutorial. Check it out and start learning!
In part one of this website build project, we’ll go through the process of creating a detailed concept for an outdoors site. The design is based on a range of textures and a mix of blue and greys to create a stylish and sophisticated website for ‘Pinewood Forest’.
Using CSS Text-Shadow to Create Cool Text Effects
Learn how to use the CSS text-shadow to create cool text effects, by following this easy, step by step tutorial. Check it out and start learning!
The CSS3 text-shadow property has been around for some time now and is commonly used to recreate Photoshop’s Drop Shadow type shading to add subtle shadows which help add depth, dimension and to lift an element from the page. This isn’t all the text-shadow property is capable of though, by getting creative and playing around with the colours, offset and blurring we can create some clever and pretty cool text effects!