30 Web Designs with Full Screen Background Photos

The trend of full screen background images has definitely become more popular over recent years. It was once only really prevailent with fashion or photography sites that relied particularly on impactful imagery, but now we can see the use of large photos spanning the page on sites of almost any topic. Large images have always been a proven tool for grabbing attention as we’ve seen in printed magazines, posters and advertisements, so it’s interesting to them being used in a similar way in web design.

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30 Web Designs Featuring Vintage Style Typography

I’m a big fan of the vintage style, both in web design and design in general. Like many, my favourite aspect of vintage design is the elegance of classic typography with its mix of cursive & sans-serif typefaces, clever layouts and the combination of textures and illustrations to relate to the techniques used throughout the early 20th century. This post rounds up a collection of 30 websites all based on the vintage theme and feature great examples of authentic vintage style typography in their logos and titles.

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Which Responsive Frameworks are Designers Using?

All the mathematics involved in creating a responsive website design can be exhausting and time consuming, but thankfully there’s a range of responsive frameworks available that make the process quick and easy. These frameworks or boilerplates have all the complicated grids, layouts and media queries in place ready for you to add your own design and markup. Here’s a roundup of the most popular frameworks currently being used by designers.

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How to Create Retina Graphics for your Web Designs

The more products Apple releases, the more widespread Retina displays become. So far we have Retina capable iPhones, iPods, iPads and MacBooks of various sizes, which together make up a pretty substantial audience. Let’s take a look at how you can create special retina graphics for your website so your design looks crisp, sharp and clear on those powerful screens.

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Create a TV Screen 404 Page with Clever CSS Tricks

I’m currently working through a redesign of my SpoonGraphics blog and wanted to create something fancy for its 404 page. I decided to have a go at coding up a full screen retro TV screen filled with animated static noise, upon which I could display the usual 404 text and relevant links. Follow the step by step design process of the final 404 page and learn how a bunch of clever little CSS tricks helped transform the idea into reality.

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Create a Trendy Retro Photo Effect Purely with CSS

I’ve done plenty of retro photo effect tutorials in the past, but they’ve all been done using Photoshop. After playing around with some cool new CSS3 features I managed to create a pretty decent looking retro style image effect using just CSS. With the help of CSS gradients and filters, let’s take a look at how a cool vintage photo effect can be created directly in the browser.

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Create a Cool Website with Fancy Scrolling Effects

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the popular parallax effect in web design. It has become a great tool to create a fun browsing experience that responds to the user’s controls as they scroll up and down the page. In this tutorial we’ll use a couple of readily available jQuery plugins to quickly put together a cool little single page website of our own, complete with fancy scrolling effects.

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