30 Web Designs Featuring Pop Out Navigation Menus

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Once upon a time navigation menus were constantly anchored in place along the top or side of a web design, but nowadays as Javascript and CSS animations are becoming more popular, we’re starting to see different navigation UI approaches when it comes to directing your users to where they want to go.

The “hamburger” icon has become the recognized metaphor for the menu, which allows designers to hide away their links until they’re needed.

Today’s post features 30 modern website designs which make use of pop out navigation menus. These sites cleverly bring the menu into view using slide-in or overlay effects.


Clicking on the menu icon reveals the side menu and the content disappear when the menu is closed. There are smooth transitions involved in this process.

Visage Pop Out Navigation Menus


This website design has a hero image placed on the header section paired with a hidden navigation makes the user navigation more intuitive and easier.

Sampedro Pop Out Navigation Menus

We are Empire

We are Empire website has a minimalist design with a hidden navigation marked by a hamburger icon in the top right corner.

We Are Empire Pop Out Navigation Menus

Brand Junkie

The navicon for the menu blends perfectly with the environment in this website. It may be difficult to spot right on, but it’s positioned in an intuitive place, the top right corner of the page.

Emotional branding applied to product design


This menu has a smooth transition effect for the menu, plus some subtle colored hover effects for the links.

Deux.is Pop Out Navigation Menus

Camp David Film

This website has two navigation systems, one on the top header, and another partly hidden in the top right corner of the page. The secondary navigation can be triggered with a click.

Camp David Pop Out Navigation Menus

The Blnce

The simple design of the menu goes well with the site. Clicking the hamburger icon opens up a fullscreen, dark overlay menu with white links.

The Blnce Pop Out Navigation Menus

Michael Villeneuve

This is a more simplistic design for a hidden menu. It blends perfectly with the rest of the site and offers a unique user experience.

Michaël Villeneuve Navigation Menus


The white font color creates a nice contrast against the pink background, and the font is just big enough.

Huge Navigation Menus.

La Ligne Rouge

This top menu opens while hovering on the navicon at the top center of the page. It also pairs nicely with smooth menu transitions and hover effects.

La ligne rouge Navigation Menus


To find this website’s primary navigation you will have to click the navigation icon in the top right corner of the page. A fullscreen, overlay menu will appear.

Xander Creative Navigation Menus

H. Creative Group

This fullscreen menu blends well with the overall design of the website. The subtle hover effect of the menu items adds some extra points to the user experience.

Non-Profit Marketing Agency In Atlanta Navigation Menus

Griflan Design

Clicking the menu icon reveals the big, dark, overlay menu that covers the entire website.

Griflan Design Navigation Menus

Jim Ramsden

Being hidden initially, hovering over the menu icon reveals the full menu in a unique, interesting layout with icons for each section/page.

Jim Ramsden Navigation Menus


This website’s design is marked by some dynamic navigation elements which are triggered when instinctively hovering on the top of the page for finding the menu.

Tannbach Navigation Menus

Cofa Media

Cofa Media website has a navigation system based on a hamburger button that subtly uncovers the main navigation of the site while covering the whole screen.

Website Design Navigation Menus

White Boards 

The menu icon is non-intrusive and very subtly positioned in the top right corner of this website. Click it to see how it uncovers the primary navigation.


Demodern has a distinctive navicon that contrasts the website design. Clicking it uncovers a geometric menu design with subtle hover effects for the links.

Demodern Navigation Menus

Keegan Burkett

The design of this simple side, slide-in menu is top-class and matched the design style of the whole website.

Keegan Burkett Navigation Menus


Check out this fullscreen menu that opens when clicking the navigation icon. The menu items are provided with a cool hover effect.

Digital Agentur slide in Navigation Menus

Design Council

The side menu of this website can be toggled on and off. Also, check out the subtle hover effect for the links.

Design Council slide in Navigation Menus

Fjord Trends

This simple website menu instantly catches the visitor’s attention. That’s how you design an efficient side menu!

Fjord Trends 2017 slide in Navigation Menus

450 GSM

450 GSM has a right side menu that reveals itself when clicking on the navicon. It is paired with some smooth effects.

Print Online slide in Navigation Menus

Vity’s Design

This website’s design is accompanied by an elegant side menu that opens in fullscreen mode when you click the burger icon.

Design slide in Navigation Menus

Trask Industries

Take a look at the colorful side menu of this website that instantly catches the visitor’s attention.

Trask Industries slide in Navigation Menus

Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards

This simple website is accompanied by a very attractive side menu with simple and elegant fonts.

Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards slide in Navigation Menus


Here’s another example of a simple side menu that appears when clicking the menu icon revealing the big, bold side menu.

Hyperakt slide in Navigation Menus


This simple slide-in menu integrates perfectly with the overall design of the website. The designer kept things simple and user-friendly.OwnerListens slide in Navigation Menus

Iggy is a designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design trends, inspiration, design freebies, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

14 thoughts on “30 Web Designs Featuring Pop Out Navigation Menus”

  1. What a great collection… The idea of having a main menu with banner in the background got my attention….. this concept sounds good and may also break the monotony of having a menu at the top or side of the page…

  2. I really like the idea of pop up menu navs like these. Designers use to be all about putting the nav somewhere really accessible and easy to find. A good user experience would help clients navigate but sometimes this means it should just be clean and concise. These are really great, thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for the great examples. Now I know what web design trend our clients will be begging for over the next six months (even if it’s not appropriate for their site).

  4. Great collection! I thought that pop up menues, as any pop ups always look annoying, but after seeing these designs, i agree that there are ways to make stylish and professionally looking pop ups

    • Pops used to be intrusive because of their ugly looks. Now, with creative designers in collaboration with psychologists and color therapies, pops are equally given more importance in terms of sales.

      These designs here are super awesome!


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