Taking the time to present your work to clients or simply display the project in your portfolio can drastically increase its value and really show off the hard work and expertise you’ve put into it. Today’s post showcases a bunch of designers who have produced some wonderful UI/UX design presentations.
20 Great Examples of Subtle Motion in Web Design
There are many ways in which a web designer can create an engaging website that will keep its viewers connected. Today’s article focuses on subtle motion effects which, when used right have a major impact on a site’s desirability. Designers are using more and more animations to improve their overall design and to increase the website’s appearance. These can surely make the difference between a simple visitor and a potential client.
25 Web Designs with Modular Content Block Layouts
This post rounds up a collection of 25 cool website designs that all feature modular content block layouts. The grid based content block layout has become popular for many types of websites, especially portfolios and curation websites, such as Pinterest.
20 Free PSD Templates To Mockup Your Logo Designs
In today’s post, we’ve rounded up over 20 free PSD templates to mockup your logo designs, with a variety of different mock up environments.
There’s an easy way to impress your clients and score extra points when presenting your logo design concepts. An experienced designer knows how to use a PSD mockup template in his favor, with outstanding results. Showing your client’s newly designed logo printed as an expensive foil stamp or constructed as a huge wall mounted sign can really add value to your designs.
These free PSD templates will help you showcase your logo designs in a professional manner, and thus making sure you’ll get the attention you want.
30 Inspiring Examples of Retro Style Website Designs
The retro theme has exploded in recent years with nostalgic styles becoming popular in fashion, photo, and video. That is why we decided to find some of the most inspiring examples of retro-style website designs and share them with you. Whether you’re looking for retro website templates or custom vintage-style website design, there’s something here for every creative need.
20 Powerful Dark Websites for Design Inspiration
While bright flat website designs continue to illuminate our screens and sometimes burn our retinas, some designers are taking the opposite route and creating powerful website designs with dark, subdued color palettes.
25 Innovative Websites that Buck the Design Trends
Certain trends have become so mainstream that the majority of modern web designs have similarities in their layouts and styles. Still, there are a lot of unique web designs which you can use to create a one of a kind project.
Showcase of Parallax Scrolling Effects in Web Design
The parallax illusion is one of the coolest effects to hit the world of web design. This showcase rounds up the best examples of websites that have scrolling parallax effects. Some use the effect to add a subtle effect to the website’s background, whereas others use the parallax effect more prominently to create an exciting browsing experience.
30 Web Designs that Fully Embrace the Hero Image
Today’s roundup showcases 30 sites that fully embrace the hero image, granting the maximum amount of space possible to this design feature and shifting all other content thousands of pixels down the page.
Hero images prominently fill the screen to wow the user, often only accompanied by a heading or a sentence and a single call to action such as a signup form or button links.
20 Powerful High Contrast Black & White Web Designs
Designing a website using just black and white provides the highest contrast possible between text and background elements. Combined with black and white photography, this produces powerful designs that grab the attention of the viewer and draws them in with their seductive qualities. In today’s showcase I round up 20 beautiful examples of monochromatic website designs that master the use of black and white in their interfaces.