20 Impressive Free Chunky Fonts

It is important for any designer to have as many fonts as possible, to help them get inspired and create beautiful graphic design projects fit for any kind of niche. This selection of free chunky fonts can be easily used to catch the reader’s attention in headlines or for delivering important messages.

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5 Top Tools that Encourage Task Management and Collaboration

Design tools can’t do everything. They can save huge amounts of time by automatically performing certain design and project management functions. Some of these same tools save even more time by encouraging team collaboration.

Project managers are still faced with having to form a working team with a diverse group of designers, who bring with them diverse skills. These skills, which contribute a great deal toward making a team greater than the sum of its parts, can also undermine a project’s chances of success, if not properly managed and directed.

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2016 Cyber Monday: Here Are The Best Bargains For Web Designers

Cyber Monday is all about spending, but how about you make it about investing? As a web designer, it doesn’t happen every day that you find discounts and bargains on your favorite WordPress themes and web services. That’s why you should take advantage of Cyber Monday. It’s the Black Friday of digital enthusiasts all over the world.

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20 Best Free Bottle Mockups

Mockups are great assets for packaging designers to use for showcasing their projects to clients. Here is a collection of excellent high-quality free bottle mockups that are definitely going to make your presentation more attractive.

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Gain Deeper Web Design Knowledge & TM Certificate with TemplateMonster Certification Center

It’s never late to learn and meet new opportunities in your live. That’s probably the main message of a new project presented by TemplateMonster. Their Certification Center is all about educating those who want it and certifying true professionals for free. The project is intended to uncover the unknown side of web development, give you a push for self-improvement, and provide you with a wide range of opportunities in terms of professional growth.

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