25 Non Profit Website Templates for 501 C Organizations

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For most charities and non-profit organizations, choosing a right design for the website is crucial. Thus, they often turn to themes already prepared and easy to install and customize as they represent a cost-effective option which can provide a professional and trustworthy effect. To exemplify, we invite you to go through the following list of 25 non profit website templates for 501 C organizations. Enjoy!


Goenviro was created especially for nature and environment related websites. The design is modern, well-structured, it has numerous pages and layouts, great customization tools, and other helpful options.

1 Goenviro Non Profit Website Templates


Ellenton is another template that was created primarily for environmental-related websites. The template includes a donation countdown, smooth transition effects, clear and modern design, a blog page and other helpful options.

2 Ellenton Non Profit Website Templates


This website theme comes with a clean, modern and elegant design and it’s best suited for donations, charity, fundraising and nonprofit organizations. It has helpful customization tools, great support, it’s easy to optimize and the design is completely responsive.

3 Believed Non Profit Website Templates


Sune is another charity and fundraising organization website and it comes with great optimization and customization tools, many helpful options, different layout styles, a responsive design and much more.

4 Sune Non Profit Website Templates


If you’re searching for an environmental-related website, then Ecoisty is a perfect choice. The design is clean, modern, well organized, and has many optimization tools. Some other features include a blog page, a donation countdown, 2 homepage variations, smooth transition effects and a 100% responsive design that looks perfect on any device.

5 Ecoisty Non Profit Website Templates


Electoral was created especially for political campaigns websites and it comes with a clean and modern design. The template has impressive layout options, great customization tools, image and video galleries, a completely responsive design and many other great features.

6 Electoral Non Profit Website Template

Lifeline 2

Lifeline 2 has a neat and modern design and it’s best suited for donations, charity, and nonprofit organization websites. The template comes with blog pages, large image galleries, an event page, 9 different homepage variations, 5 header styles, is WooCommerce ready, has great customization tools and many other great features.

7 Lifeline Non Profit Website Template


This template is best suited for charity and donations websites and it comes with a clean and modern design which is completely responsive, has great customization tools, great layout and section options, and much more.

8 Purpose Non Profit Website Template


Softy was created especially for charity, fundraising and donation websites. It comes with a clean and minimalistic design, has great customization tools, many helpful options and it’s completely responsive on any device.

9 Softy Non Profit Website Template

Being Human

Being Human is another website template created for nonprofit and charity organizations websites. The template is retina ready, has an interesting image slider and a clean and modern design which is fully responsive and looks great on any device.

10 BeingHuman Non Profit Website Template

Donate was created for fundraising, charity and nonprofit organizations websites. It comes with great customization tools, an easy to install process, 6 index variants, 4 slider options, a contact form, social media integrations, and a fully responsive design.

11 Donate Non Profit Website Template


Enviro was created for environmental websites and it comes with a modern and neat design, fully responsive, 3 different homepage variations, a donation countdown, smooth transition effects, customization tools and a completely responsive design that looks great on any screen type.

12 Enviro Non Profit Website


Divinity has an ultra minimalistic design, and it was built on Bootstrap 4 framework. It comes with more than 25 unique header types, 28 pages, great customization tools and other helpful options. The template is suitable for any church-related activities, charity, nonprofit organizations, and fundraising websites.

13 Divinity Non Profit Website

Green Shine

Green Shine is another responsive nonprofit website template created especially for donations, charity, and nonprofit organizations websites. The design is modern and clean, it comes with many customization tools, has a completely responsive design and works great on any device.

14 GreenShine Non Profit Website


Generosity was created for charity and fundraising nonprofit organizations websites and it has a clean and modern look, the design is fully responsive and looks perfect on any device.

15 Generosity Non Profit Website


Wish was made for charity, fundraising and nonprofit organizations websites. The design is clean and modern, trustworthy and professional looking, it was built with the Bootstrap framework, it’s fully responsive, it comes with 2 unique homepage styles, has a great support and many other helpful tools.

16 Wish Non Profit Website

Green Wave

Green Wave is another website template dedicated to green business companies and environmental-related websites. It’s compatible with any mobile device, has 2 different homepage variations, an easy to install process, it’s highly customizable and has many other helpful options.

17 Green Wave Non Profit Website


Maikop website template is dedicated to environmental-related websites. The design is modern and minimalistic, well structured, it has 2 different homepage variations, donation countdown plugin, smooth transition effect, great customization tools and much more.

18 Maikop Non Profit Website


Virtue was built especially for fundraising websites. The design is clean and modern, appealing and trustworthy, easy to customize and completely responsive on any device.

19 Virtue Non Profit Website


Hisham is another website template especially created for charity, non-profit and fundraising organizations. The design is modern and minimalistic, it comes in 2 versions, it has a powerful image slider, image, and audio background versions, great tools for optimization and customization and many other helpful features.

20 Hisham Non Profit Website


Podgorica is perfect for any environmental-related websites and it was created to look great on any mobile device. The design is clean and modern, easy to use and well-structured. It comes with 3 different homepage variations, an easy setup process, great customization tools and much more.

21 Podgorica Non Profit Website

Social Welfare

Social Welfare is another fundraising and charity website template and it comes with a completely responsive design that looks perfect on any mobile device, great customization tools, and many other helpful features.

22 Social Welfare Non Profit Website

Gate Of Sun

Gate Of Sun is another website template made for church-related websites. Some features include 7 different pages contained in the template, great customization tools, easy to install and use, and a responsive design.

23 Gate Of Sun Non Profit Website

Life Aid

Life Aid is another template created especially for nonprofit organizations. It’s easy to install and use, it was built on Bootstrap 3+ and has many other helpful options.

24 LifeAid Non Profit Website


Awareness was created especially for climate change websites and it has a modern and minimalistic design. This theme is suited also for any other nonprofit environmental organizations, the design is fully responsive, it comes with different homepage layout variations, an easy to use admin panel, tools for customization and many other great features.

25 Awareness Non Profit Website

Iggy is a designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design trends, inspiration, design freebies, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

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