Website Builders: 3 Things Wix Does Better Than Its Rivals

In late June, an article appeared in Yahoo Finance claiming that “Hedge funds have never been this bullish on Wix”. A record number of hedge fund managers are bullish on Wix right now, seeing huge growth potential in what is arguably the world’s most prominent website builder. The company has become a stock market darling in recent years, with its shares up by a few thousand percent since its IPO in November 2013. It is something of a juggernaut.

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12 Tutorials to Learn Font Design in Adobe Illustrator

The ability to create your own fonts is something that is highly valued in the graphic design industry. Over the last few years, the importance of font design has grown multifold. People want more customization and personalization in their designs, and fonts go a long way in providing that feeling. We see big corporations getting their own font style designs. Any niche that we pick up, be it traveling or industrial or space, we see hundreds of well-designed fonts to pick from.

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12 Creative WordPress Themes for Selling Organic Products

Rapid change of lifestyle and awareness has led us towards more organic and authentic products, resulting in high demand for WordPress themes that focus on the sale of organics. In today’s time, both online and offline market has developed the special need and consumers for organic products. There are a large number of product categories and innovative supplies to make life more authentic and wholesome for many self-aware and conscious people.

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21 Newspapers Mockups To Use For Your Project

Newspaper mockups are new instruments to get a realistic experience of design before it gets printed. Advertisement designs need various mockups on a daily basis to ensure the perfect outcome. And if you think newspaper ads are losing grip in this digital era, then you have to think twice. You can see the impact and value of newspaper ads by looking at the number of copies sold every month by newspaper companies.

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12 Things Not To Do When Designing a Book Cover

Books have a very popular proverb associated with them and their cover pages. But in today’s world, it is highly impossible to prevent the audience from judging the book by its cover page. Be it an online store or offline shop, readers first look at the cover page and then decide to read. A book’s cover page is also an essential factor in attracting more readers, along with reviews and references.

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22 Free Retro Fonts all Designers Must Have

Retro font styles hold the power to take the audience in older times with suitable designs. You can create any era you want in your creative designs through perfect vintage typeface. Designers with a special inclination towards vintage themes like to collect retroelements for various projects.

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18 Free Cool Coming Soon Website Templates

Launching a website is a long process. From purchasing a domain to establishing a perfect website involves many steps and decisions. However, until your website is ready for the stage, you don’t want to lose customers and possible engagement. And for that matter, coming soon website templates come to the rescue.

Brands prefer to launch a coming soon website page before launching their actual website to build interest and attract the right audience. While your website is under construction, the coming soon page can serve your audience. It is an excellent way to market your business and brand, and even to collect email address of potential customers.

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The Role of Memes in Modern Business and Design

Memes are fun, easy-to-understand, and one of the best ways to promote a brand. They provide a sense of comfort, familiarity and serve as a doorway through which audiences can easily walk and become lifelong customers of a company. But for some brands, the use of memes can seem like a strange and foreign way of promoting their product, and they may not have the first idea of how to go about generating memes.

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