Create a Typography Based Blog Layout in HTML5

Last week I posted part one of this tutorial series covering the process of creating a typography based blog design in HTML5 and CSS3. We finished off the Photoshop concept with the design based on a strict grid and text laid out in our desired typeface. Now let’s replicate the design in a static HTML5 and CSS3 prototype before finishing it all off as a fully working WordPress theme.

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10 Common Validation Errors and How To Fix Them

Designers spend hours carefully crafting every little detail in the design of their website, but the quality of their coding often comes up short. For proof, just look at the sites showcased in CSS galleries, 90% will have validation errors – Most of which are easy and simple fixes. Let’s look at some of the most common validation errors that appear time and time again, and how to correct them to really finish off your sites with high-quality code.

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10 Usability Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit

Over time certain conventions and best practices have been developed to help improve the general usability of websites during their design and build. This roundup of ten usability crimes highlights some of the most common mistakes or overlooked areas in web design and provides an alternative solution to help enhance the usability of your website.

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10 HTML Tag Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit

You better watch out, because the HTML police are about. They scour your code and pick out the most unspeakable crimes against HTML markup. This handy list of ten HTML tag crimes sheds some light on some of the most common coding mistakes and helps provide an alternate solution. Tips include writing valid markup, making semantic choices, avoiding deprecated tags and more!

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