Another amazing deal is now available at, their latest bundle includes over 50 fonts, along with tons of extras including graphics and dingbats. Everything included comes with a full commercial license. But hurry, as this offer is only available during August 2015.
Website Creation 101: Infographics Roundup
Today, we compiled a list with infographics which will help you learn the basics of website creation in a fun and visual way! These were created by some very talented designers who wanted to share their knowledge with us all.
Download 25 Creative Polygonal Illustration Freebies
Polygonal designs are getting more and more popular and are being used in websites, prints, apps and even digital art. If you like this trend as much as we do, then you’ll definitely want to bookmark this link.
Vector Background Download: 30 Free Vector Backgrounds
Do you need a vector background to match your current design project? Take a look at these 30 free vector backgrounds in this vector background download bundle.
WPKube – Your One-Stop WordPress Resource
If you need anything that has to do with WordPress, then WPKube may just be your one-stop place.
30 Popular Graphic Designers on Instagram
If you liked our post with 40 female web designers you should follow, then you’ll definitely like this one too! Here are 30 popular graphic designers to follow on Instagram!
Welcome Monstroid – A WordPress Theme with the Power of a Framework
With thousands of WordPress themes available on the market it is sometimes difficult to find “The One”. But let’s imagine there is a transformer theme, able to implement any design and any functionality that might ever come to your mind. Would you still be looking any further?
25 Inspirational Typography Projects You Don’t Want to Miss
Get your daily dose of typography design inspiration from this article. We selected 25 inspirational typography projects, and if you’re a designer – you don’t want to miss these.
Showcase of Best Graphic Designs Using Neon Colors
Did you like our previous showcase of some really great website designs using flat styles? This time we decided to create a showcase of graphic designs using neon colors and inspire you to use this trend in your projects as well.
CSS Hero Review: Customize WordPress Themes Live
In today’s article, we want to let all designers know about CSS Hero – a brand new WordPress plugin that lets designers (and anyone else for that matter) customize WordPress Themes live.