Using Pre-built Websites to Get Stunning Designs with Limited Resources

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You know the drill. You’ve got a deadline looming just around the corner, or you’re running out of the budget. The solution? You’ve got to work that much harder to finish the project before the allotted time or money runs out.

You’ll succeed as always, but sometimes at a cost. The end product might be not quite what you envisioned. Or, you’ve had to compromise on the visual appeal of your website or its functionality. While your client may be satisfied with the outcome, he or she isn’t exactly thrilled.

Magic wands are hard to come by. You don’t particularly want to sell your soul to the devil to avoid these situations.

Fortunately, there’s a solution that’s so simple it’s almost laughable. That solution involves pre-built websites that come pre-packed with excellent UX. They also follow recent design trends and adhere to specific industry standards.

Interested? Read on.

Be Theme’s Solution

Pre-built websites are what you need and Be Theme, a ThemeForest top 5 best seller. It is a top provider of these powerful web design tools. Be Theme currently offers more than 370 of these professionally-designed pre-built websites. And more are on the way. It’s not at all difficult to find a good match for virtually any website type or style you intend to build.

Time or budget a constraint? You can customize any of these pre-built websites to get precisely what you’re looking for in half a day.

AlthoughYour Resources May be Limited, You Don’t Have to Sell Your Soul to the Devil After All

Here are some examples of how you can use pre-built websites to help deliver stunning websites. It will work even when the time is short, or resources are limited.

Use eye-candy color schemes that will stand out and be noticed

Finding a color scheme that fits a client’s business or brand to a T is more often than not a challenge. Even when you succeed, you still must be careful not to overwhelm the website’s content. At the same time, you need to allow the color scheme to make a powerful impression.

Pre-built websites make things easier by saving time and effort. Otherwise, you’d spend your time researching the competition. Or, attempting to reach an agreement on a color palette.

Be Theme addresses more than 30 industries. Each of them comes with their standard set of specific color palettes – like these for example.




Keep current on trends without spending hours of research

You’ve probably been told more than once on how important it is to keep abreast of the latest trends. That’s good advice, but only to the extent, it’s practical to do so. This often isn’t the case when you’ve got a deadline to meet. At this moment, researching trends suddenly becomes a very low priority.

Be Theme keeps its pre-built website designs up to date. Whichever one you select for a project will be new and fresh. It will be completely divorced from last year’s website designs. Be Theme prides itself on this.

See for yourself.




Build interactive websites that create a memorable UX

Building an interactive website can be a pleasurable experience. It can also be challenging, and you always run the risk of hitting a landmine or two. The goal, of course, is to capture a visitor’s interest and coax them into exploring further.

Animations, scrolling effects, and large parallax sliders can be heavy hitters. So can embedded videos. There’s a host of different ways you can work any of these into a website to increase its appeal.

Trying to build an interactive website with limited funds can all too easily turn into a fool’s errand. This is where pre-built websites can save the day. The features are already there, and you don’t have to spend hours designing and embedding them.




Design the perfect look for your client’s specific business

The problem here, of course, is that every industry has its own design best practices and rules. They tend to change with time, making it hard to keep up. That boils down to 20 or so hours of research on your part for each new website you design.

Again, it’s the old equation: Time Spent Designing + Time Spent Researching = X, where X is the time allotted to you.

It’s a losing proposition, so why not go with a pre-built website that has the research time already built in? Suddenly, it’s a win-win.




Get a flawless UX without starting the user journey from scratch

UX design is a skill in itself. Books are written about it. Unless you’ve read a few of them you’re probably not an expert. One approach would be to farm the UX design out to someone else.

A less expensive approach that is every bit as good is to use a pre-built website. After all, they come with a pre-packed UX. You’ll be able to deliver high-quality websites quickly. You will be confident your clients will be completely satisfied with the results.





Having unlimited time and resources to complete your projects would be nice. But perhaps it might be a bit boring, and rarely a reality. Limited time and/or resources are usually the norm. Especially so when you’re juggling multiple projects. Or, if you are managing a project that has the appearance of being a slam dunk turns out to be anything but.

Having 370+ pre-built websites that address more than 30 different industries is amazing. It almost feels like having limitless resources and a load of time to work with. Now, you can relax and enjoy, while delivering one high-quality website after another.

The Line25 Team
This post was a combined effort from our team of writers here at Line25. Our understanding and experience of blogging, web design, graphic design, eCommerce, SEO, and online business, in general, is well over 20 years combined. We hope you enjoy this post.

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