Using Anime Style for Branding

There are many places you could find inspiration for your next design or branding project. With the rising competition these days, you might even need to always look for fresh ideas for your designs to stand out from the rest.  There have been several inspirations that have gained massive popularity recently. One of them is Anime Style.

Before we understand what anime style is, let’s understand what Anime itself it. The word Anime is derived from the word Animation. The origins of Anime are from Japan. They have been using Anime for storytelling and creating compelling fictional stories since the 1940s. Gradually, this style spread out to the outside world during the 90’s, and it has been gaining worldwide popularity ever since.

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Favicon Design: 7 Tips and Tricks You Must Use

Favicons are iconic representations of your website. You would generally find them on the address bar. However, they are also visible on feed aggregators and list of bookmarks as well. Favicons are an essential element of your website, so designing a great favicon is a must. However, not many people pay attention to this element. Favicons are generally minimal; hence, they’re easy to miss out on when designing your website. However, when a user has multiple tabs open on his/her browser, they scroll through different tabs, making use of the favicons to identify the site. A favicon plays an important role in setting apart your website from the cluster of other websites a user may have open at the same time.

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Understanding the Golden Ratio in Design

The proportion for Golden Ratio is 1:1.618. It is a mathematical equation that has found its way into design practices as well. The golden ratio has been scientifically proven beautiful. The best example to understand the importance of the Golden Ratio can be traced back to one of the most famous paintings: the Mona Lisa.  The painting itself uses the golden ratio.

Some other names for Golden Ratio are The Golden Section, Golden Mean, or the German letter “phi”. It is a useful number that helps create beautiful designs. The way Golden Ratio differs from other design practices is that design generally is led by instinct and creativity. Whereas the Golden Ratio has a different approach. It uses mathematical approaches to transform your images, layouts, typography and many more design practices.

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10 Easiest Content Management Systems (CMS) of the Year

The significant benefits of using a CMS (content management system) are that such software is often user-friendly. These programs enable users to translate their ideas to practicality quickly. The maintenance and updates are regular and easy to handle. It is highly cost-efficient with out-of-box solutions, freeware, or open-source. There is a broad scope for functionality using a large number of extensions and plugins. There is a great developer and community support as well.

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Best Logo Design Tool: 15 Options to Create Professional Logos

Finding the best logo design tool and creating an excellent logo isn’t ever an easy task. As a designer, having the right tools in your tool belt can be extremely helpful. Our list is a resource that you can bookmark anytime you need to mix up your options. Especially if you’re not getting the results from the logo design program you’re currently using.

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9 Best Places to Showcase Your Graphic Design Work Online

In the era of social media, when everything is available with one click, more graphic designers are using a hosted portfolio to increase the reach of their work. Similarly, more clients are searching for graphic designers on portfolio sites. Your portfolio defines you and your work, and so it should be as good as possible to attract everyone’s attention. There is still a debate going on as to whether personal portfolio sites are not much effective, as it is difficult to drive traffic to a personal site. While hosted portfolio sites provide inarguable benefits like simplicity, rapid networking, and increased visibility. Also, as a graphic designer or digital artist, ensuring visibility of your work or receiving feedback is crucial. This allows a designer to improve their work according to what people like to see. It has become a major issue for designers to find a good platform that allows them to display their skills. Here are the 9 best places to showcase your graphic design work online.

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Ultimate Guide to Book Cover Design

While it’s true that people say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, people generally tend to, and they should. The cover of your book helps build the first impression of your book or is the first interaction that your potential customers have to know about the book they’re holding.  Consider it as an equivalent of a home page in website design. It is the vestibule that would decide if a reader wants to open your book and read it or put it back to the shelf. A general reader shops by their eye, they often want something that has a sense of familiarity, but they also want to be surprised as well, by something refreshing and new. There are many books published each year, so it’s evident that a good book cover design is likely to catch the eyes of the readers and help its chance of getting picked up and rise exponentially. The cover design should be able to convince the readers that the content of the book is worth the reader’s time and attention.

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10 Math and Psychology Tricks That Will Help You Design Better Websites

Psychology and Mathematics many times have more implications on our lives than we think. Psychology helps to create surprising insights into understanding the brain’s functioning. Math is more prevalent in our daily lives than we realize, as it’s used in architecture, musical instruments, our daily commute, and much more. Hence, using the core principles of both these disciplines is a conscious effort that many designers try to incorporate in their website design. It is crucial to understand the various tools at your disposal to exploit them and get the best results out of them.

For the same reason, we discuss 10 Math and Psychology Tricks That Will Help you Design Better Websites:

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‘About Us’ Page Design – Tips and Best Practices

Most of the companies these days spend day and night creating their website. While they have fairly mastered the technical aspects of creating a great website, they often find themselves stuck on one particular page, i.e. the “About Us” Page. This page is essential for any company or website owner to master, as it provides an overall view of what the website and the maker are talking about. Many visitors often go to the about us section of a website to see if the website has anything that adds value to them.  It is one of the most frequently visited pages on many websites. A well-designed about us page isn’t just a necessity, but also an added advantage over the competitors as not many website designers pay much attention to this section of the website they create.

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