20 Best SEO Articles to Improve Search Engine Rankings

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The job of an SEO has evolved over time due to Google updates, the rise of mobile, changes in the SERPs, and so on. But how did SEO change throughout the years and are the older SEO techniques still useful today? In this article, you will learn how the SEO’s role has changed over time and what successful SEO techniques are used today. You will also learn about some great SEO tools you can use and get valuable SEO resources.

If you own an online business or you’re doing online marketing for your clients, then you must have at least some basic SEO knowledge. Fortunately, nowadays learning SEO isn’t difficult at all, nor is it expensive! You don’t have to pay for expensive courses to learn how to grow your business online using SEO. Many bloggers and marketing influencers will give you valuable information on their websites and blogs for free. All you have to do is know where to look and be eager to learn.

Without SEO, you are forced to invest heavily into advertising, relying on ads to bring you traffic. Search engine optimization allows you to build up natural, organic traffic from search engines – traffic that you won’t have to continuously pay for. So everyone, whether you are creating websites for others or have your own business with an online website, should read the best SEO blogs and become an expert in SEO.

To make things easier for you, we have selected the 20 best SEO articles to rank your websites better in search engines and bring organic traffic to your website. These comprehensive SEO articles will give you valuable information on how to optimize your website for Google and other popular search engines. Learn how to rank first for some specific keywords, how to build links without getting penalized by Google, how to increase your backlinks, tweak your Google Analytics account, and more!

How We Ranked #1 for “Unhealthiest Foods” for 1.5 Years

In this SEO case study, you are going to learn the exact SEO strategy that the author used to rank #1 for the keyword “unhealthiest foods”. Also, did you know that long, thorough content will rank better than short content, in most cases? This trend has been true for some time now and will become even truer going forward. When someone writes an article that’s thin on content, say 300 to 400 words, Google and other search engines will simply not see this content as useful. In the world of fierce competition for search results, other websites will simply “outwrite” you, providing more detailed, thorough content.

How We Ranked for Unhealthiest Foods for 1 5 Years

HTTP to HTTPS: An SEO’s guide to securing a website

Despite the numerous benefits of switching to HTTPS, many SEOs and website owners have not done so. Learn how to do this and why is it recommended, in this easy-to-follow SEO guide.

HTTP HTTPS An SEO’s guide securing a website

The evolution of SEO

SEO is an ever-changing landscape. SEO is something that requires us to adapt and overcome any challenges brought upon by the never-ending SEO changes by search engines. So stay on top of the latest SEO trends and going forward, you will not only do well with your own websites but will also be an expert in creating SEO-friendly websites for clients. How did search engine optimization (SEO) change over the years? Find out in this useful article about the evolution of SEO.

The evolution SEO

327+ Places to Get Traffic To Your Blog

Do you know the best way to generate traffic to your website? It’s actually pretty simple. This article will give you multiple resources on how to increase your website’s traffic and earn valuable backlinks which will help your SEO strategy.

327+ Places to Get Traffic To Your Blog

Keyword research: a key element of SEO & content marketing

Content marketing and SEO should never be separated, that’s what columnist Trond Lyngbø suggests that solid keyword research can and should be used to back up your content marketing strategy. Learn more about this in the article below.

Keyword research content marketing

How To Use SE Ranking Tools To Do A Website Audit

If you’ve ever wondered how to audit your website, here’s an article that will show you how to do it effortlessly and accurately using SE Ranking. You can discover all the important SEO factors you need to know by running usability and technical audits. Discover in one place all you need to know such as competition, page errors, backlink issues, site health, keyword ranking, site speed, and more. Here’s a tip – having the right host will dramatically help with site speed which is critical in 2021. It’s worth checking into SE Ranking when you can gain so much in your SEO quest.

The Link Builder’s Guide to Landing “Link Roundups”

This is an excellent article that can help you get your link in link roundups such as this. It also contains 6 video guides to link roundups which I strongly suggest you check out.

The Link Builder’s Guide to Landing “Link Roundups”

How to optimize your Facebook reach

Social media has a major impact on SEO and this has been proven many times. Social content will be indexed much more than previously. The interesting thing about this trend is that most things are talked about via social media. So we will be seeing more and more results from social media discussions of certain topics on search engines. Google has been becoming increasingly good at differentiating between “newsworthy” and other content. Learn how to maximize your Facebook reach, in this article.

How to optimize Facebook reach

19 Link Building / Outreach Strategies that WORK

In this article, you will learn 19 different link-building and outreach strategies that actually work!

19 Link Building / Outreach Strategies that WORK

How to optimize your news site

Remember the SEO tip above, about writing long articles? Well, this isn’t always the case. Take news sites for example! In some cases, there simply isn’t a lot of content on a subject, so short content may still work well for you depending on your niche. If your website is news-related, there’s quite a lot that can be done to optimize your news site for search engines. Learn what, from this article.

How optimize news site

How to adjust SEO strategy to Google’s new SERP ad layout

Google’s recent changes threw paid search marketers for a loop, but what about organic search practitioners? Columnist Dan Bagby discusses the impact on SEO in this article.

How SEO strategy Google’s SERP ad layout

How to Build Local [White Hat] Links on a Budget

This is a great video which will teach you how to build links on a budget. The article also contains the transcript.

How to Build Local [White Hat] Links on a Budget

SEO in Practice

This article is structured more like an ebook and will offer valuable SEO information, useful especially for SEO beginners. It talks about the best practices of SEO.

seo in practice

How to Find Keywords With Free Keyword Research Tools

In this article you will learn how to find keywords to target in your business, the differences between two-word keywords, long tail keywords and money keywords, the difference between niche sites vs. affiliate blogs and also get to know 2 free keyword research tools to find as many profitable keywords as you want.

 Profitable Keywords seo

6 Google Analytics SEO Hacks To Increase Your Search Traffic

This post provides my 6 favorite Google Analytics SEO hacks that save time, money and drive awesome insights.

6 Google Analytics SEO Hacks Search Traffic

Ask Yoast: how to become an outstanding SEO

The YOAST vlog is a valuable source of SEO information. Check out this one for example. You can subscribe to their channel and learn useful tips all the time.

Ask Yoast SEO

The White Hat SEO Guide To Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most effective but overused link building techniques today. Learn how to use it properli and maximize your website traffic!

The White Hat SEO Guide Guest Blogging

The 10 Things Your Site Needs To Rank In Google This Year [ANALYSIS]

Updated For 2021:  Mobile-first design is a must for any web designer and developer. As we all know, creating an SEO-friendly website that isn’t mobile-friendly is obsolete. In this day and age, everyone has a smartphone or tablet and most people use their mobile devices to surf the net, shop, and do everything else they’ve grown accustomed to doing on their desktop/laptop computers. In fact, the latest research shows that mobile usage in the US is now higher than non-mobile usage. Moreover, some time ago Google officially announced that they will use mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor when showing its results (by the way, you can use Google’s mobile-friendly tool to check if your website passes the mobile-friendly threshold or not). So for all designers, it is not just important, but essential, to create websites with a mobile-first approach. Ideally, all of your designs should be responsive, however, some website owners still choose to do separate website versions for mobile and non-mobile devices. In this post, you are going to find out the top ten search results and top ten most popular pieces of content in the last year for a few of my favorite keyword phrases.

 Rank In Google

44 Experts Reveal Their #1 Link Building & SEO Tip

If you are a blogger, marketer or affiliate that wants to learn some new link-building strategies & tips to get more traffic, this article will give you some useful tips. For example, did you know about the ever-growing importance of local search? As most of you know, Google has started to show local search results based on where the person searching is from. This means for any physical business that is limited to a specific area, local search optimization is a must.

 Link Building Tips

Yoast SEO plugin tutorials

Do you encounter any difficulties configuring your Yoast SEO plugin? These tutorials will help you!

Yoast SEO plugin tutorials

How I use my marketing technology stack (SEO edition)

Columnist Michael Shearer walks through the tools he uses from keyword research to content creation to link-building outreach.

 marketing technology stack

What are your thoughts? What new SEO trends do you think will appear this year and going forward? Which SEO trends do you think will become obsolete? Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts.

Iggy is a designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design trends, inspiration, design freebies, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

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