We’ve rounded up a massive collection of 50 user-friendly website designs to inspire you. These user-friendly website designs are gathered from various niches, from popular websites such as National Geographic, Marni or The Winter Olympic Games, to website concepts or small web design projects we found featured on Behance.
20 Great Examples of the Flat Trend in Web Design
The flat trend in web design has recently gained a lot of popularity and we started noticing lots of website and interface designs springing up with this design style. We’ve seen the use of solid colors increase through the adoption of the flat design trend, but these hues are becoming increasingly vibrant following the release of new iOS and new iPhone. Dazzling RGB colors are becoming more popular in the latest website designs, with saturation levels at an all-time high.
25 Examples of Super Wide Website Designs
As monitor resolutions become larger, websites tend to become wider. This showcase features 25 awesome website designs over 1000px in width.
Many of these super wide website designs are built as responsive layouts, which allows the designer to accommodate even the largest of screen sizes with the max-width
property without chopping off elements on smaller resolutions.
Showcase of Trendy Hipster Style Website Designs
Hipsters are described as valuing vintage styles, disconnecting themselves from mainstream trends and commonly being involved in the creative industries. If website designs could be described as being hipster, this showcase features some perfect examples!
Interesting Web Design Trend: Vertical Split Layouts
We do a fair bit of trend spotting while we’re browsing for cool website designs to feature in our inspirational web design roundups. One design trend we’ve noticed that is becoming more and more popular is the split layout, where the page is divided vertically into two halves to display separate areas of content. Often these two halves are contrasting with light and dark color schemes and allow the user to make a decision on the type of content they want to see.
25 Web Designs with a Clear and Concise Elevator Pitch
The concept of the elevator pitch has become a popular feature in web design. Bold statements that introduce and describe a company or individual now dominate the mastheads of agency and portfolio sites.
25 Cool Website Designs from the Apparel Industry
Today’s web design showcase features 25 cool websites from the apparel industry that all boast modern creative designs. Expect to find large photography, edgy designs, and unusual layouts!
25 Web Designs With Clever Fixed Header Effects
There are many tricks a web designer can apply to a website in order to enhance its appearance and make it more appealing to the visitors. A carefully-thought design can make the difference between a simple visitor and a potential client.
15 Awesome Websites That Tell a Story As You Scroll
This post showcases 15 sites that take parallax scrolling to the next level by combining CSS animations and JavaScript to manipulate page elements upon scroll to immerse the user into a developing story.
20 Website Concepts with Stunning Full Page Designs
Today’s post gathers 20 stunning full page designs with some interesting web design concepts that will inspire you!
We rarely get the chance to admire the full beauty of website designs when we’re limited to the cropped viewport of our browser windows, but there are some stunning examples of full page layouts out there. We might only see a finished website at a few thousand pixels at a time as we scroll down the page, but designers take great care to craft beautiful layouts in their design concepts.