UI vs UX Design: Side-by-Side Comparison

User experience design (UI design) quite simply stands for what it is – the whole experience of the user. It is a collection of interactions between the user and the company, its services, and products. In comparison, UX design measures or identifies the pain points of the user and uses this information to build a rough prototype to test these ideas from where the information is validated. UX focuses on the usability aspect of a product and there are many ways to build one that meets a need that is not currently being met in the market.

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A Systematic Guide to Building a UI Design System

Developing and maintaining a UI design library/system for your product will help the user intuitively navigate through your web page. This systematic approach to building an interface library will bring in a visual and functional consistency to the overall design. This, in essence, helps brand your UI/UX and creates a sense of trust for the user.

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How Visual Design Affects Sales and Marketing

As graphic designers, we have to communicate the brand’s message across to its consumers. There are many ways to do this – banners, postcards, stationery design, logos, mascots, brochures, and information packs are a few nameable mediums. To create an effective design, you have to understand the nuances of the sales message and use this information to create a visual design that is able to engage the viewer with the design and call to action buttons. Rather than focusing on immediate sales, it is important to focus on building a long-term strategy that would bring value and high return on investment. People tend to buy products from a trusted source so being able to build a relationship with the brand collateral is as important as bringing in immediate sales.Marketing your designs effectively is a skill that can be honed with time, patience and effort.

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8 Things Your Website Better Not Have In 2019

Having a well-designed website plays a big role in increasing traffic, building authority, and earning customer loyalty. The design of your website can attract or frustrate the people who visit the website which determines how much of your product or service you sell, how much viewership you earn (or lose), and which sponsors or advertisers want to partner with your website. Regardless of the goal of your website, its design will support that goal or it will hold it back. There are many trends of website design which were once acceptable, ignorable, or even desirable. Just like the trends in home design, clothing, or music and film, website trends fade over time. Just as your manner of dress or the way you decorate your home has evolved year after year, your website should too. Because of this, we rounded up some of the worst outdated, harmful, or unnecessary trends of the past few years that you should eliminate from your repertoire before the new year.

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How to Wireframe Any Visual Project Using Only FREE Tools

As a graphic or web designer, one of your greatest challenges is to properly illustrate and visualize a project for a current or potential client. Because they are able to visualize all of your ideas, designs and functionality, wireframing tools can package all of this information and make it highly presentable. This is especially the case for clients that may not be experts in design and UX/UI who really need to see the difference.

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How to Evaluate Your UX in Under 5 Minutes

We don’t have a lot of time. Even as you read through this article, you’re already noticing your desktop notifications piling up, watching your slack messages grow and hearing your phone buzz with more engagements and tasks that need to be added to your never-ending to-do list. This mounting pressure is what makes crucial tasks such as evaluating your site’s UX, seem like a frivolous use of time. The fact is, all of the work you’re putting into graphic design, content creation, web development, SEO, social media marketing and paid ads, could all be for naught if you don’t button up your UX.

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The Graphic Designer’s Guide to Web Design – Differences & Similarities

For seasoned graphic designers, web designers and online marketers, you’ve worked closely enough on website projects to understand the responsibilities that fall on graphic designers and web designers both similarly and separately. For those that are looking to get into the graphic design profession or have yet to work with both a graphic and web designer on a project, it’s important to understand where these experts can and can’t overlap and how you can benefit from leaning towards a graphic designer or web designer.

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Stop Believing These 8 Myths About Graphic Designers

Whether you have or have yet to work with a graphic designer, you may have a few assumptions or preconceived notions about the type of people graphic designers are and what it’s like working with a graphic designer. Whether it’s a graphic designer or any other professional, it’s not wise to assume anything about a coworker or freelancer. This can lead to poor collaborations, miscommunications and false expectations about pricing, deadlines and quality. It’s best to come in to any new partnership with a clean slate because individuals are unique and each project is unique.

You may also be considering a career as a graphic designer. Rather than make assumptions, consider what professional graphic designers have to say about their profession.

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How to Get User Onboarding Right in Your Apps

You might know how difficult it is to design a great app.

After all, one in four apps is abandoned by users after their very first launch.

After 72 hours, just less than a quarter of users will still make use of an application. The other users will have dropped the app.

As a designer, you, therefore, understand how important it is to get onboarding just right.

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