Showcase of Web Design Layouts with Angled Lines

Website layout designs naturally tend to make use of horizontal and vertical lines due to the blocky nature of the coding behind them, but designers are breaking free from these constraints by using dynamic angles in their designs. Sometimes these angled lines are simply background images created in Photoshop, but others are animated elements made directly in code. Check out today’s web design showcase to see some great examples of website interfaces with angled lines.

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25 Web Designs Built With Unusual Shapes & Angles

Websites are naturally made up of a series of square blocks due to the way they’re coded with HTML. This results in the typical boxy designs we’ve all come to expect on the web, but some designers are breaking free from the limitations of horizontal and vertical lines to experiment with other layouts. Today’s web design showcase features 25 cool sites that think outside the box with unusual shapes and angles.

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