Freelancers: If Your Clients Want “Innovation” – Tell Them This!

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Innovation has its place in the web design world. But it can also be a time waster to pursue. Some clients demand it, or at least say they do, whether they understand what’s involved in providing it, or not.

The good news is this. If you have the right tools to work with, you can deliver high-quality, innovative websites to your clients in a remarkably short time. You don’t have to try to reinvent the wheel with every new job. It’s simply a matter of letting others do the innovative work for you.

  • “Innovation” Is but a Single Click Away

The right tool in this case is one of ThemeForest’s top sellers, Be Theme, with its more than 260 pre-built websites and 1-second installer. Watch this cool 40-second video, and you’ll quickly see why your ability to build a truly innovative website is only a click away.

This collection of pre-built websites is so diverse, that you’ll have no trouble in satisfying the most demanding client representing the most unusual business or niche. Your ability to quickly deliver responsive, custom-built websites is a win-win situation for everyone.

  • 10 Common Clients Types You’ll Easily Win Over with Be Theme

For the Clients Who Sell Online Courses: Be eLearning


Your eLearning clients may find it hard to thank you enough when you deliver sharp, attractive websites like this one to promote their products and services. This responsive, easy-to-work-with pre-built website, makes it easy to give your clients exactly what they need to keep their customers happy.

For Small Business Clients: Be Craftbeer


Clients selling handcrafted products will profit from having a special, beautifully designed theme like this one. This Be Craftbeer pre-built website can serve multiple purposes. Its large images, structured design, and cool JavaScript effects can be customized to send the exact message a client wants its customers to see.

For Interior Design & Architecture Clients:  Be Tiles


Web designers can at times find it difficult to understand what clients in this niche are really looking for. The carefully-organized elements, clean lines, and subtle use of geometry Be Tiles employs, will tell your clients that you really know your business – and theirs as well.

For Clients Working in the Creative Industries: Be Artist


The creative/artistic crowd feasts on innovative ideas. You have to work at it to avoid disappointing them. A website based on Be Artist can meet and exceed the high standards of this sometimes hard-to-please clientele; by enabling you to display their works in a highly unique way.

For Food Service and Catering Industry Clients:  Be Burger


To be at their most effective, food service website must have images that look good enough to eat. Be Burger’s selection of mouth-watering images, combined with an easy to follow ordering structure, will let YOU set your clients apart from their competitors.

For Fitness and Wellness Industry Clients: Be Sports Club


Save images of the weight room and exercise machines for later use. Hero images like this Be Sports Club example, combined with eye-catching animations and a clean, crisp, modern design, is what health and fitness club clients are looking for; and are willing to wait in line to get.

For Travel and Lodging Industry Clients: Be Hotel2


Clients representing luxury hotels or resorts are more than willing to pay premium prices for impressive websites. The Be Hotel2 pre-built website is just the ticket for you to take advantage of opportunities like this. Your clients will appreciate the focus on images and perfectly structured sections.

For Restaurant or Bistro Owners: Be Restaurant


If you have a client who owns a 3 Michelin Star restaurant, or one who owns the cozy café around the corner, you can easily give both of them a website that is impossible for their competitors to match. Be Restaurant2 allows you to do just that.

For Your IT Clients: Be VPN


Tech startup owners like to have everything in its proper place; so, you might as well satisfy them. Be VPN is clean, professional, and well structured; along with a friendly and appealing human touch. Techies love innovation, and you can give it to them in spades!

For Luxury Car Sales Clients: Be Car


A luxury car retailer deserves an elegant and luxurious website to display his wares. This tasteful pre-built website, Be Car, makes excellent use of white space, and a stunning hero image. Deliver such a website in a matter of hours, and you may find yourself invited to the next company function.

  • How You Can Benefit from Jumping Off “Innovation” Track

Instead of wildly thrashing about in search of the latest innovative trend, why not sit down and direct your focus on your client’s needs?

  • Scrolling through hundreds of themes can be a gigantic waste of time. Being able to quickly deliver a website that exceeds a client’s expectations can lead to repeat and referred clients and financial success.
  • When you can deliver a custom website in almost any niche or market in 4 hours or less, your competition won’t be able to keep up. Don’t tell them your secret!
  • Once clients start beating a path to your door, you can afford to be a bit selective. You’ll no longer have to put up with demanding, never-quite satisfied clients again.
  • It’s a nice feeling when referred clients begin to account for a significant portion of your business.

In Conclusion –

Are you looking for a way to escape from the innovation rat race? Successful people rarely become that way by doing what everyone else is doing. Going in another direction can require a leap of faith; but, if you spend your time focusing on satisfying your clients’ needs, and you have the tools that provide the “innovation”, life will suddenly get easier.

Be Theme provides all the innovation you need:

  • The 1-click installer will save you a ton of time.
  • The 260+ pre-built websites cover any type of business or niche.
  • Clean designs, evergreen innovations, and responsive websites will become part of your daily routine.

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