40 Best HTML Admin Website Templates

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HTML admin website templates can be used to easily edit and manage content on sites. There are a lot of pre-designed templates that you can fully modify, but this can be a time-consuming task to design them from scratch. It’s a lot easier to buy a pre-made template and to fully customize it.

You can create modern and professional admin interfaces very fast, starting from these pre-built admin templates which offer all the necessary elements to design everything you want.

Take a look at this collection of 40 best HTML admin website templates and choose your favorite template.


Neptune is a dashboard UI kit for web app development, built on Bootstrap 4. It has many easy to use widgets and features.

neptune dashboard ui kit for web application


Meteor is a responsive / multipurpose admin dashboard. This admin template is created using the latest Twitter Bootstrap framework. It is very easy to use, flexible and user-friendly.

meteor responsive admin dashboard template


Fit2Go is a beautiful gym/fitness admin template, ideal for a sports-related website. This is a Bootstrap-based admin template, targeting gyms, fitness and wellness centers.

fit2go beautiful gym fitness admin template


Apex template is a fully responsive, very flexible and clean admin template based on Angular 5+ and Bootstrap 4 Beta with unlimited possibilities.

Apex - Angular 5 Bootstrap Admin Template


Nexus is a professional, modern and flexible admin template that can be used to build all kinds of project. Discover all the included features it comes with!

nexus responsive admin template

Peak UI 

Peak UI is built with Bootstrap 4. This admin theme is easy to use, just unzip and run. It has the following features: 2 layouts, 8 color schemes, clean and well-structured HTML code, 1500+ font icons, and more.

peak ui bootstrap 4 admin theme


Mustang Admin template comes with lots of items that can be customized, which makes this admin template very unique.

 Mustang Admin Dashboard


Elephant is a great template that helps you create modern web apps. It is really fast and the result is professional. It uses Bootstrap and has a huge collection of HTML, CSS and JS elements to choose from.

elephant dashboard admin site

Afro v1.1 

Afro is an admin dashboard made with the Bootstrap Framework. This template is built with lots of customizable and ready to use elements, such as UI elements, widgets, charts, and pages.

afro v1 1 admin bootstrap template

Arise Admin Dashboard

ARISE admin theme has five unique design that are fully responsive.  It is a premium template which has a big collection of UI components and it is integrated with the newest jQuery plugins.

arise admin dashboard


Pacificonis is based on Bootstrap. This is a premium admin dashboard template that has a great number of powerful components which are really easy to modify. It uses the latest jQuery plugins, can be very easy to integrate it into your projects and it allows you make quick solutions for your designs.

pacificonis material design bootstrap admin template


Admin9 is an HTML template that uses creative bootstrap designs. It has predefined pages and components and also includes charts and tables. With the use of CSS and clean code, Admin9 allows you to easily create and modify any characteristics.

admin9 _ responsive admin html bootstrap template


Teamwork is an admin template, fully responsive and multipurpose. It combines SASS and Compass and it is very flexible and user-friendly. Also, it has a large collection of features, UI elements, widgets, icons, and libraries.

teamwork responsive bootstrap admin template


Aside is made for modern web applications. Among its main features are: the use of Bootstrap 4 CSS framework, Sass with variables, unlimited colors, modern design, beautiful charts, lazyload modules, and many more.

aside dashboard ui kit


COLOURcode is made by professionals with great experience in developing admin applications and designing interfaces. It is fully responsive, uses Bootstrap 3 and it is specially made for those who boost usability by using color.

colourcode professional interface framework by pro coders


Omega has a modern design that is also fast and clean. It is fully responsive, uses Bootstrap 3.3 and CSS3 animations, and has a lot of UI widgets, 3 layouts and many other features.

omega responsive massive admin pack


Beagle is based on the Bootstrap framework. It is a responsive admin template that uses lots of gorgeous features.

001648 beagle responsive admin template by foxypixel _ themeforest google chrome


Adminca is an admin template that can be configured very fast. It was built on Bootstrap 4 and it’s very versatile.

Adminca bootstrap 4 & angular 5 admin template


Rayan uses the Twitter Bootstrap Framework with a big collection of UI components. It is a great  responsive bootstrap admin dashboard template that can be used for different applications and on all web browsers.

rayan responsive bootstrap admin template


Penguin is a simple and flexible, fully responsive web app kit and admin dashboard template. It has 6 different layouts and lots of pre-loaded great features to choose from.

 penguin responsive html web app kit by followtechnique

CSK Admin

This admin template was built with latest technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, 50 + Predesigned Pages, Single line Linking, and more.

csk admin

Easy Admin

Easy Admin is an admin template with a flat and modern design built for your next project. It was professionally designed with lots of attention to details.

Easy Admin - Responsive HTML Template


Deluxe is an admin template built with the Bootstrap Framework. Deluxe has a huge collection of plugins and UI components. It also works seamlessly on all major web browsers.

deluxe bootstrap


Boost is a responsive bootstrap admin dashboard template built with the Twitter Bootstrap Framework. It comes with reusable UI components and is integrated with jQuery pluginstoo.

 boost responsive


Admin9 is a professional HTML admin template. It was built with Bootstrap and it comes with many predefined pages and components.

Admin9 _ Responsive admin HTML Bootstrap template


Dubli is a clean and powerful, responsive AngularJs admin template, powered by jQueryand Bootstrap.

 dubli bootstrap


Mara is a Material design multipurpose admin template with a large collection of material design elements, built on the Materialize framework.

mara _ material design angular admin theme

Varello Admin

VarelloAdmin is a fully-responsive dark admin template. It includes both Static HTML and Laravel 5.2 Blade versions.

varello admin


Boooya is a powerful admin template which is fully responsive and retina ready. It means that you can easily build your web applications with it.

 boooya revolution admin template

Material Design 

Material is a Google Material design-inspired admin template, built with Angular & Bootstrap.

material design angular admin web app by ngtemplates


The Alpha UI Framework is an admin dashboard built on top of the MaterializeCSS Framework. It is a functional, clean and well-designed template.

alpha material design

Elite Admin

Eliteadmin is a premium admin dashboard template with a flat design. It is fully responsive and built with Bootstrap 3.3.7, HTML5 and CSS3.

elite admin the ultimate dashboard web app


AdminK is a fully responsive and retina ready admin template. It can be used for all types of web apps, such as custom admin panels, project management systems, admin dashboards, application backend, CMS, CRM, etc.

admink _ bootstrap admin template preview themeforest

Clean UI 

Clean UI is a modern and professional admin template, based on the Bootstrap 4 framework. It is powerful and super flexible.

 clean ui admin template classic material design


Uplon is a fully responsive web UI kit built with Bootstrap v4. It has a clean user interface and highly customizable components and widgets.

uplon responsive bootstrap 4 web app kit preview themeforest


Milestone is an elegant and creative Bootstrap 4 admin template with many layout options and features to help you build your admin dashboard.

milestone bootstrap 4 dashboard template by iamnyasha


Rainbow is a colorful, responsive admin dashboard, built with Bootstrap & AngularJS. It uses Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify.

rainbow colorful bootstrap admin with angularjs


Metrika is a responsive material design template, built specifically for AngularJs. It has many material components you can use.

metrika bootstrap material admin dashboard preview


Fuse Angular5+ version is the successor of the great Fuse AngularJS version. It has AoT compiler support out of the box as well as a complete NgRx example app.

Fuse2 - Angular 5+ Material Design Admin Template

Iggy is a designer who loves experimenting with new web design techniques, collating creative website designs, and writing about the latest design trends, inspiration, design freebies, and more. You can follow him on Twitter

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