Best Free Graphic Design Software For Beginners & Pros (July 2022)

Do you want to create great-looking graphics, but you’re just starting out and not sure if you need to buy the most popular, trendy, and expensive graphic design software? Or perhaps your computer or laptop simply can’t handle the resource-intensive software and you looking for a web-based alternative? In either case, there’s a great solution to these challenges that we’re gonna cover in this post along with some valuable design tips and how to get started with the best graphic design software that is online or web-based and free to use.

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Best Beer Packaging Designs of the Year

Graphic Design comes in many forms. Some of the most interesting and successful designs can be found nowadays on a plethora of different products and services. New forms of producing art through design, which can be seen with beer packaging designs, are a valuable asset to businesses and could reflect how successful they are or potentially become. Without an eye-catching design, the product can be overlooked for a competitor’s packaging that appears more intriguing, as well as aesthetically pleasing and cohesive to the customers’ eye.

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A List of Successful Infographics (and why they work)

Infographics are essential to any company, business, or even anyone whom is dealing with things such as design, advertising, or development. There are many infographics this year that are extremely successful, and the reasons why are because they have all the points of design that become important to things such as this. One reason an infographic may be considered successful has to do with how the design flows, whether there is not enough text or too much, whether the overall design just isn’t balanced in terms of objects, banners, images, or typography that is not countered with something that allows the eye to flow throughout the entire infographic. There are many more terms so as to explain why these make for successful infographics, and many will be talked about today. Here is a list of successful infographics and why they work.

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How To Create Reflection Text for Your Logo Design in Photoshop

In order to achieve the most professional appearing logo, sometimes you will need to know how to create a reflection from text. This is necessary because for some projects, you will want to create the illusion of depth, three dimensionality, or just to give the impression that your text is placed on something reflective, like glass, or water. Either way, it is important to know how to manipulate text and to create a reflective text, because you never know when you might need it. This tutorial is quick, easy to follow, and will give you an idea of how to give depth to your typography, along with a review of tutorials from other websites that create tutorials based on creating reflective texts. Today, we will show you how to create reflection text for your logo design, and review some great tutorials with different perspectives and approaches to the same concept.

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20 Inspiring Wine Label Designs

We’ve previously discovered twenty inspiring beer bottle packaging designs, so we of course had to venture out and show off the designers that make wine bottle packaging so incredibly appealing. As a graphic designer, you may be asked to create unique and aesthetically pleasing package designs, product designs, ranging from children’s toys, to cigarette boxes, to food packaging, like a bag of chips. People don’t even truly realize the extent of which design is implemented literally everywhere, in any and every product. Walking into a grocery store means that you are exposed to thousands of designs on packaging created by graphic designers in order to get your attention and buy that product, and the same goes for wine labels. Today, we will discover 20 inspiring wine label designs that are unique and can be inspiration for your future designs.

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Photoshop Tutorial: How To Create Metal Text for Your Designs

Have you ever seen typography designs have fun or interesting texts that you would like integrated into your own designs? Whether it’s graphic design, web design, or even an app design, eye-catching texts are important, because it is exactly what your potential clients read to see if they like what you have to offer. You are only helping your cause if you have a variation of interesting text that allows any reader to be intrigued and engaged. Some of the time, typography is created by hand. Other times, it’s useful to learn about the many qualities that Photoshop has, especially for creating your own style of text. Today, you will learn how to create metal text for your designs.

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10 Home Page Designs That Pull Clients In

We’ve learned that the first things that a potential client sees when viewing your company or business, is the logo. But what happens when the logo works, and they feel compelled to visit your website in order to learn more about you and your company? The first and foremost important is your web design, but the homepage of your website is what they see first, and whether they decide to navigate and spend any time learning about you is based on how much they like the home page design, and how user-friendly it is. Today, we will discover 10 home page designs that pull clients in.

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15 Design Ideas for Unique Graphic Design Business Cards

When it comes to your brand, there are a lot of important factors in which will allow you to stand out from the others, in order to receive more recognition, thus more clients and jobs. In graphic design, we know that some of the most common jobs we receive are brand related, including web design, logos, and typography for businesses. A business card is a must. It is a first impression that leaves your client with a question: do they want you to complete the task at hand? If not, it’s possible that your business card just didn’t stand out to them, and never led them to discover your website, or learn about your company and what you have to offer. Today, we will review 15 design ideas for unique graphic design business cards, and why they are successful.

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