20 Superb HTML5 Video Websites

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Websites that feature a video on their welcome page are increasing in popularity, as they draw the visitor’s attention from the get-go and create a more interesting environment. If used properly, videos can give the visitor a better understanding of the website by telling a story that will stick with the viewer. They can also add a good and inviting vibe to a webpage, that replaces a static, cold background image. Thanks to HTML5, which supports the latest multimedia, you can share high quality, browser-sized videos that will entertain and inspire viewers.

There are various ways of incorporating videos into a website. One way is to add it on the main page, or at the top of the page (for one-page websites), in order to make sure that it’ the first thing that the site visitor sees. This way you can effectively communicate something to your audience, like explaining the benefits of what it is that you’re trying to sell or advertise what it is that you specialize in, so others can actually see instead of simply imagining what it is that you do. This way you can showcase your work in the best possible way, and increase sales and website views.

Another cool way of incorporating a video into a website is by making the video the actual background of your website. This way, you’ll have the freedom to discreetly control the visitor’s mood, while improving the overall feel and atmosphere by adding this unique touch. The different elements that you use will also play a crucial role. For example, the music that you choose, in combination with different scenes, can serve to ether uplift someone’s mood, or can create nostalgia, or some sort of a sentimental attachment to your video. By editing and combining these different elements, you’ll be entirely responsible for the message that you’re trying to send, without leaving room for misunderstanding, misleading interpretation, or confusion.

In this article we would like to share with you 20 superb HTML5 video websites. These websites are incredibly inspiring and very creative, and we think they will help inspire you, as well! They truly feature some lovely videos that will completely change your mood, like the Adidas website featured below that is guaranteed to make you smile as it introduces us to people from different parts of the world in just about one minute; their colorful personalities and the beautiful scenery in the background will surely make you feel excited about the brand, which is exactly what the designer’s goal was! Take a look and let us know which website you liked best in the comment section.

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1 thought on “20 Superb HTML5 Video Websites”

  1. These websites are really original and new. i think it deserves a name of “superb” Also, it can provide large quantities of precious experiences to my own websites. Anyway. thx for sharing.


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