5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress

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Website owners understand the importance of attracting traffic. However, many of them think that it is very difficult to attract traffic to their website. If you think that SEO, Backlinks, and content are the only options to enhance website traffic, then think again. Traffic analytics can provide insightful data on what works and what doesn’t work on your website.

Google Analytics or GA is an online tool that helps you to track traffic on your website. You just have to insert Google Analytics code on the site and rest will be taken care off. The best part about Google Analytics is you can use it with any type of website. Whether you have an e-commerce website, blog, or editorial website, Google Analytics is compatible with all of them.

Using WordPress, you can find a number of easy ways to integrate your website with Google Analytics. After adding Google Analytics, you will be able to track the traffic on your website and generate reports from the WordPress website itself with these tools. So here’s the list of 5 best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress.

1. Google Analytics by MonsterInsights:

5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress -MonsterInsightsPin

Google Analytics by MonsterInsights is one of the famous plugins with the free and paid version. You can select the features of paid or free version based on your needs and requirements. This plugin is used by more than 2 million people and it is one of the highest rated plugins.

It enables you to connect your website with Google Analytics without manually adding any code. It enables you to start with tracking of events and configuration of e-commerce settings. The plugin allows you to learn with the further use of Google Analytics.

It provides you with detailed reports of your website’s performance. The Plugin provides details about audience, behavior, content, and e-commerce data. It is the perfect plugin package to help you enhance conversion and revenue through the website.

The last thing to consider about the plugin is that it is not a free plugin. It provides options with different base plans for agencies and developers. You can avail the benefits of the plugin through optimum utilization for your website performance.

Key Features:

Easy to set up
Real-time analysis
Tracking for E-commerce, Ads, File download and links
Link attribution

2. Analytify:

5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress - AnalytifyPin


Analytify is a great Google Analytics plugin with the user database of more than 2 million users. It has both free and paid versions available. You can select any one of them depending upon your requirements.

It has simple functionality and you don’t have to copy the code manually. Moreover, this plugin gives you the benefit of single click authentication and automatically adds a tracking code to the website.

Although, the plugin doesn’t provide full fledge access to general reports with the free version. The free version allows you to observe your website statistics. It has tracking features like page views and social media statistics.
The pro version of the Analytify plugin allows real-time tracking and campaign tracking.

In addition, it also supports email notifications and it is compatible with WooCommerce and easy digital downloading.

Key Features:

The single Click authentication process
Social Media Analysis
Real-time tracking and analysis
Email notifications
Compatible with WooCommerce
Easy Digital Downloading

3. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP:

5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress- Google-Analytics-Dashboard-for-WPPin

Designed and developed by ExactMetrics Google Analytics Dashboard for WP is also known as GADPW. It is a free plugin that helps you with detailed reports for your website without affecting your budget. This plugin has a mammoth user base of one million users.

Just like any other plugin it provides all the data on the WordPress dashboard. The plugin has some great features like customization of analytics tracking code with the help of options and hooks. Moreover, it also allows you to gather data of custom events, downloads, dimensions, affiliate, and external links, and emails.

This plugin provides in-depth page reports and post reports. It also allows the breakdown of data and it is compatible with Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). The GADPW plugin has the same UI as of the simple Google Analytics with simplified screens for easy readability.

Key Features:

Real-time visitor tracking
Actual traffic source tracking
Displays page views and bounce rate
Better attribution of link
Cross-domain tracing
Compatible with E-commerce

4. WP Statistics:

5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress - WP StatisticsPin

WP Statistics is one of the best free Google Analytics plugins for WordPress. The best part of this plugin is that it is very simple and easy to use. This plugin has compatible functionality and provides all-around solutions by displaying the Google Analytics data straight on the WordPress dashboard.

It has a remarkable ability to track traffic directly from heavy search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo. It has some quality features to secure the privacy of its users and it provides support against IP address hashing. In addition, it also enables you to track the country wise GeoIP.

The plugin has the ability to track down email statistics and allows exporting the data file in XML, CSV and TSV format.

Key Features:

Update automation for GeoIP data
Page Insights
Provides details of browser versions
Reports based on the Email stats
Automatically cuts old database
Security for IP address hashing
Country wise GeoIP location

5. Google Analytics WD:

5 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress - WDPin

The Google Analytics WD plugin is a superb WordPress plugin crafted by Web Dorado. The plugins work very smoothly and rapidly integrates Google Analytics into your website. In addition, it provides information like analysis report, traffic data on the website, and visitor’s bounce rate on the WordPress dashboard.

It has two versions available depending upon your needs. The free version provides an analysis of page insights, integrated dashboard, full-fledged reports, and bounce rate.

The paid version includes premium features like total Google Analytics reporting, E-commerce reports, AdSense and AdWords reports. Moreover, it also provides details about tracking exclusions, website performance, push notifications, and alerts.

Key Features:

Demographical Analysis
Tracks Custom Dimensions
E-commerce statistics
Bespoke user interface
Easy Customization

With the use of above-mentioned plugins, you can easily integrate Google Analytics with your website. These WordPress plugins will help you monitor website traffic and generate insightful reports to increase traffic.

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