15 Free Newest Static HTML Website Templates

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HTML Website Templates, as the name suggests, are the basic framework of the pre-designed generic webpage that can be tweaked/modified to cater to the user’s specific requirements. The user can be an individual, a company, or an entire organization. Having a pre-designed, almost ready to use templates help ease and speed up the process of bridging the requirements of clients and ready availability of the same by the developers and web designers. It enables non-developers to create their website without having to rely on professionals for help.

Typically, each static template is made to adhere to a particular industry and caters to its requirements. There is a vast pool of options to pick from when designing your website. Some options are paid ones, but there is a good chance you can find something that caters to your exact needs without having to pay for it.

This is a curated list of 15 free static html templates that would work best for their respective industries. Next to each template, we’ve listed the highlights as well as the industries which the templates are designed for to help you understand the parameters while choosing a suitable template for yourself or your client.

 1. FOX:


 Industry: Education

Fox template is a free academic website template that comes with a modern look, with tons of dynamic elements. The website can be used for any educational purpose – schools, universities, online courses or any other educational projects. The most attractive feature of this template is how it places its CTAs (Click-To-Action) on the home webpage itself.

Apart from such a pleasing home page Fox also gives its users a dedicated page for courses, a plugin for Google Maps, and a working contact form. The smooth animations on scrolling add to the overall premium feel of the page, especially with features like Live Count that gives it the edge.

2. Niko:


Industry: Portfolio/Resume

NIKO is a free HTML website template made to market an individual on his/her strengths. It enables the client to build an online persona for themselves, highlighting their strengths and core interests. The template is user-friendly and easy to navigate. The entire webpage is one big page that can be scrolled down. However, there is also ease of segmentation of the entire page into ‘Home’, ‘About’, ‘Skills’ and more to navigate potential visitors directly to the part in which they’re interested. It has a Call to Action button placed optimally to ease employers to get in touch with the user.

With a minimal approach and dynamic features like a neat slider, video support, mouse hovers effects, and easy navigation, NIKO is the perfect starting place to build your online persona.

 3. The Order:


 Industry: Legal

For law firms, attorneys or any legal businesses, ‘TheOrder’ is the best free HTML template to use. It has a clean, polished and premium design template that reflects the professionalism of the user, to their potential clients. With such a detailed page, law-firms can showcase their current work as a testimony of genuineness and efficiency. The template allows space for in-depth case studies that helps the potential clients gain trust in your firm. With a minimal approach to design, this template focuses on bringing out the most relevant information of the user in the most easily accessible manner to their clients.

With contact details and support for Google Maps, it makes reaching out much more accessible.

4. Louie:


 Industry: Photography

Louie is the best free HTML template available for photographers out there. It has an immaculate, modern photography template that catches the website visitors’ attention quickly. The home page has a big banner of few selected photographs the user can put up, which keep changing automatically, providing a carrousel of their best clicks as well as an option to manually switch between them which capture the immediate attention of the visitors.

A brief introduction about the photographer and social buttons to their social media is a handy feature that would increase their reach — also, the dedicated Instagram banner, which can be essential and helpful for the photographers. The template has neat little dynamic features spread across web pages like ‘Collection’, ‘About Me’, ‘Contact’ which makes the page reasonably easy to navigate also pleasing to the eye.

5. Listing Pro:


 Industry: Directory

ListingPro has a fascinating and creative appeal to their potential client. This template includes a picture collage of different services that one can expect to find answers for upon landing their page. This use of picture collage for their hero image grabs immediate attention of the visitors and provides an immediate search bar for answering their queries. The CTAs are nicely placed throughout the website. There is a good use of nifty small animations while browsing the breadcrumbs, or clicking on images.
The template is well laid out with great use of typography and effective CTA placements. The quick search bar can give it an edge over other directory websites as it’s to the point and ensures clients get what they want as soon as they visit the website.

6. The Plaza:


Industry: Fashion Store

The Plaza is a very aesthetically designed template. It has an eye for using punchy colours to hold the visitor’s attention. There is a good use of typography that compliments the background with a cleverly placed CTA to Shop Now. The prices are also displayed openly on the banner images, which may save the visitor time of clicking and going back, which can get irritating. Also, the availability of wallpaper carrousel for the hero image helps the client put forth different products they want to drive traffic to through cleverly placed CTAs.

The scrolling animation when you click on different products makes the entire user experience smooth and seamless. There’s also an additional feature which gives it an edge over most other templates. Proper use of mouseover animation on images of the product lets the visitor have a ‘quick look’ of the product in case they’re just skimming through the site. This is an important feature that visitors would appreciate.

7. Medical:


Industry: Medical

This template is ideal for doctors or clinics that want to drive more traffic to their office through the aid of online presence. The text on the hero image is relevant and establishes trust with the visitor. Below which, the CTA is also well put, which says ‘Get started’. The detail to the wording helps the visitor feel at ease, as medical queries can be frightening. The presences of subtle yet essential CTAs on the left side of the header of the webpage like call and mail address is appreciable. This feature caters to an immediate emergency as well.

Well laid out website with a form to book an appointment present over many web pages, and a dedicated contact us page with Google map plugin makes this website a sensible choice to consider if you want to design a medical website.

8. Fitzone:


 Industry: Fitness/Gym

This template is ideal for designing a fitness/gym website. It has a strong visual with aesethic color scheme and a message that makes the visitor feel at ease. The template doesn’t waste time and gets straight to business by putting a ‘Become A Member’ CTA at the centre of the homepage itself. There are snippets of different forms of exercise services they offer at the bottom of the homepage, which have relevant text and images to go with. Upon using mouse over the image you get a CTA to view more details which ensures smooth navigation around the website without clustering too much information.

9. Carrent:


Industry: Rent a Car Service

This template as the name suggests is for Car Renting services. The template works best for this service because it’s pleasing to look at with the use of beautiful wallpaper for the background and a quick form with all necessary information that the visitor can fill and get quick price estimation at the same time and decide to rent now without exploring other parts of the website as well. This shows that the template is customer-centric and puts their priority first. They have a sliding banner of different offers the company can provide on the bottom side of the homepage as well. Use of illustration to highlight the process of booking a car at the bottom of every page makes it easier for the visitor to understand the process.

10. Ignite:


 Industry: Web-Hosting

It is an excellent template for web hosting services. It has a minimalistic yet visually attractive appeal to itself. The use of overlay over an image helps maintain the brand aesthetic. The website heavily focuses on using two colours only, which creates a visual identity for the page. The contrast between blue and green looks attractive. They introduce themselves in the home page, address the risk of not using their services and place a CTA right below it as a solution. This smart idea of creating a sense of urgency could lead to more conversions. Upon scrolling down the homepage, you’ll find their clientele which can help visitors gain trust in the company. There are nifty animations on stats and data that looks appealing and proper use of illustrations throughout the template.

11. Platforma:



Industry: Conferences/Events Page

Platforma is a highly adaptive template that acts as a one-stop solution for all-conference, events, forums and other types of gatherings. It has all the tools necessary to highlight any upcoming event nearby. The visual design of the template is clean and formal. It has a live countdown timer for the event the visitor clicks, which are both a helpful and attractive feature to have. A client can register directly upon opening the website through the registration form. There are smooth animations on scrolling the home page and testimonials at the bottom of the page that helps build trust and credibility.  It has a dedicated webpage to introduce all speakers and also access to a newsletter subscription box that could be helpful to collect essential data of the visitors.

12. MyHome:


 Industry: Property- Home

 myHome is an excellent template for making a website about listing properties for people who are looking for a new place. Such websites are generally too informative with no space for design; myHome, however, is an exception to this. The overall design is consistent and pleasing to the eye. It highlights different properties in a banner that is the first thing visitors see on the site. This banner also has a slideshow image carousel so you can highlight multiple properties. The best part of this template is how they’ve integrated Google maps for better convenience. There is a query list of popular areas right next to the map plugin. You can click on the area you want to discover and have relevant properties pop up on the map as you do. All necessary contact information is listed in the header as well as in a dedicated contact page.

13. Job Listing:


 Industry: Job Portal

The job listing is a free job board website which has a neat and simple design. It has a minimalistic approach which makes the user experience easy and smooth. There is an efficient query form above the fold which helps visitors browse their queries easily without wasting any time. Many small widgets add on to the productivity and ease of surfing the website. The use of job exclusive icons for different industries looks appealing as well as makes demarcating them easier.

14. Interior:


Industry: Interior

 This template can be used by architecture agencies as well as interior designers. While interiors can be a complicated process, it is ideal for keeping the website as simple as possible. Interior achieves exactly that. The clean and minimal interface highlights the specific projects to make them stand out. There is space for client testimonials as well, which help build trust and transparency with your clients. The integrated social media ribbons can be helpful as design firms generally have an Instagram account to showcase their work which they can link their website.

15. World:


 Industry: News

This template has the potential for fitting much content, be it regarding news, entertainment, blogs and much more. It helps individuals to write their ideas and share it with the world with the most aesthetic representation possible. It has a universal approach and doesn’t cater to a specific topic to write. The hero image captures immediate attention, and there are pleasant looking infographics present at the bottom, which links the reader to different blogs.

With this, we are at the end of our list of 15 Free latest Static Html Websites Templates to quickly build your websites. It is essential to understand your product/service and what are the essential design elements and features to keep in mind while selecting a template and build upon it accordingly.

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