11 Best Dummy Text Generators & Lorem Ipsum Tools

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If you are familiar with the Internet world, you must have a fair idea as to what Lorem Ipsum is. If you don’t have a technical background, it might sound like random words to you.  Well, to an extent, that is precisely what it is. Lorem Ipsum is words or text with no meaning. It is used to fill out layouts. Layout specialists and designers refer to it as placeholder text or the informal word – ‘dummy text’  The basis of this concept came from a philosophical work by Marcus Tullius Cicero. The application of this concept can be dated back to the 1960s in the printing industry. It made its way to the computer systems by the 1980s. If we talk about the current situation, not only is Lorem Ipsum widely recognized and used, there is a variety of choice of different Lorem Ipsum generators/dummy text generators capable of producing text pieces in Latin and other languages.

Besides serving as substitute content, Lorem Ipsum is also useful for web designers to showcase their templates with dummy content to help the buyer visualize how the website would look with the text blocks to get the perfect idea of the structure the layout of the template.

Some creative heads also have developed generators that create random text blocks based on a popular TV series, movie references, humorous content, and all the possibilities you can think of. Using the right generator can help you engage with your audience if you need to make your website live but still need to work on the back-end content. If it is niche related,  your audience might appreciate your efforts before even reading your material.  Hence, we have identified 11 best dummy text generators &  Lorem Ipsum Tools to help you create placeholders/dummy content on your layouts.

1. Professional Lorem ipsum generator:

Professional Lorem ipsum generatorPin

This is an ideal dummy text generator or a Lorem Ipsum tool. It can create random text blocks for users with many customization options that allow the user to get exactly what they need. It allows you to break down the content to 20 paragraphs with a word limit of 4500 words at most.  The user can also add random diacritical marks at random places on the text blocks.  There is a choice between Standard Lipsum (where the text would start with ‘Lorem Ipsum’) or choose the other option that ensures the text doesn’t start with Lorem Ipsum.

What’s more? This website can produce dummy text in multiple languages from all around the world, including left to write scripts, humorous scripts, and Artificial Languages such as Slovio, Sona, and more. The user gets an option to download the text block as a plain text file or as an HTML file.

Apart from having such impressive capabilities, this generator also acts as a wiki of everything you need to know about Lorem Ipsum. It has some rich literature on what it is, why it is used, and several other related discussions that are helpful if you are new to the concept. It is educational and provides a solution, as well.

2. Exlab.net:


This is yet another impressive Lorem Ipsum generator tool with a lot to offer for anyone looking for dummy text for their projects. Exlab allows you to choose from 5 languages to create your dummy text in – Latin, Italian, Spanish, English, and Russian. While it is not very diverse in language options, it does compensate for its content format aspect. The user can create dummy content in words, paragraphs, list items, and proposals. Depending on your requirement, a user can fit any of these formats in their project, which adds a lot of conveniences.  And the content can be broken down up to 100 paragraphs if needed.

However, the same is the word limit on words if you chose to generate random words. The user also has an option of choosing if you want the text to start with Lorem Ipsum or not. Other than that, they can choose between plain text and HTML version of the dummy text, with or without punctuation and formatting. This helps save a lot of time and effort for the user.

3. Cupcake Ipsum:

Cupcake IpsumPin

Are you craving some sweet? Or think your potential visitors might? Well, in that case, Cupcake Ipsum is right up your alley. It is an exciting and fun Lorem Ipsum tool that allows any user to select the number of paragraphs, the length (short, medium, long), and add a unique beginning to the first paragraph by clicking ‘give your text some love.’  It has a very user-friendly and attractive user design and interface. It creates exciting dummy text content with random lines that make sense between all the gibberish. A visitor or customer reading this would feel like it has been purposely laid out amidst an ocean of random text as Easter eggs, and this could be fun for them.

This particular generator would be beneficial if you own/run a dessert related website and need to launch it soon but don’t have your content ready yet. It is a creative approach to Lorem Ipsum that can be a good break from the mundane. However, this tool doesn’t have much customization or flexibility options such as languages, content formats, and more.

4. Blind Text Generator:

Blind Text GeneratorPin

Blind Text Generator is the perfect go-to tool for any random text requirements. It can produce Lorem Ipsum, Pangram, a-z A-Z 123, Kafka, and various other random text formats. If we focus on the Lorem Ipsum aspect, it is an impressive tool that can create random content with length up to 9999 words, which is very impressive. You can also break down the content into 99 paragraphs. The most impressive regard of this tool is its user-friendliness and powerful interface. It allows you to see the changes to the dummy text as you change the number of paragraphs, words, or any other parameters; you do it. Most of the other tools need you to click generate or some button to create results. This tool also allows you to display all the paragraph tags if you need them.

At first glance, this tool is impressive though it seems to lack customization options. However, that is not the case. If you press ‘ADVANCED OPTIONS,’ an entire set of new parameters open up below the basic parameters you are exposed to when visiting the website. Here you get to choose from certain most popular font families, font style options, and font-weight and size. You can also tweak the letter-spacing, line-height, text-decoration, text-transform, and alignment.

5. WebFX:


WebFX is one of the most renowned full-service internet marketing, web development, web design agency considered the wiki of such topics for many professionals. They are also known for their trusted and useful tools and plugins. One of them happens to be their Lorem Ipsum tool. They claim their tool is made for webmasters, designers, and web designers of all levels who might have any need for Lorem Ipsum.

It is broken down to an easy to use interface so that anyone can use it with ease. It is ideally best for projects that need HTML markup.  A user can choose what HTML tags they want, and this generator would deliver just as specified. You can create random content based on paragraphs, words, or sentences. All three of them have options of adding a paragraph, bold and italic tags.

6. Fillerama:


Filerama is as engaging as a Lorem Ipsum tool can get. As the name hints, it is one of those creative Lorem Ipsum tools that creates placeholder content from popular web series or movies like Futurama, Doctor Who, Dexter, and more. All the binge-watchers would appreciate this tool a lot.  This tool also lets the user create passages with inline styles, headers, and more.

It takes care of all the headaches of placing your texts on your new website. You have an option of getting the dummy text in plain text, HTML, or Markdown. You can also select the source of the text from the list of famous TV shows the tool has in its directory.

7. Pirate Ipsum:

Pirate IpsumPin

Another funny and quirky Lorem Ipsum tool, Pirate Ipsum, is an excellent tool for creating pirate-themed dummy text for your website. The language and the sentences are exactly how you’d imagine a pirate talking and are pinned down to perfection.

On reading it, it seems pretty close to Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise language, which is the best validation anyone can get for pirate language. The website’s layout is impressive and engaging, as well. It has pirate-based illustrations and the use of some fresh colors to make the website more appealing.  The font Helvetica also well complements the overall feel of the tool.

8. Trump Ipsum:

Trump IpsumPin

This is a witty tool based on US President Donald Trump. It is a jab at his ‘fake news’ and amusing statements that people often find hilarious. This tool creates placeholder content that imitates fake news and legendary speeches. The dedication and attention to detail are commendable as the site rocks the same colors used in Trump’s campaigns.

The CTA reads ‘Make it Great Again,’ which is an obvious take on ‘Make America Great Again.’ The user can set the number of paragraphs they want the dummy text to be broken down to. It is a basic tool as far as formatting and filters go, but it was meant to be that way. It isn’t function-packed, but it sure has a unique touch and approach that would leave anyone in shock and spiral them into laughter on the bizarreness and yet close to the president’s home imitation.

9. Lorem Ipsum Generator (Default Text):

Lorem Ipsum Generator (Default Text)Pin

This is available as a chrome extension that can be easily downloaded from the chrome web store. It gives users an elegant and quick method for creating placeholder content. It can be accessed on the browser by simply clicking the logo. It would open a drop down window with randomly generated text. It allows the user to create up to 5 paragraphs and 20 sentences per paragraph, which comes to 1000 words for the content limit.

You can access more features by clicking the more options on the bottom right of the window and then add more parameters such as paragraph tags, number of breaks, break type, auto copy, and auto-select text.

10. Obama Ipsum:

Obama IpsumPin

Yes, if there can be Trump Lorem Ipsum tool, there is no reason Obama can’t have one. This exciting tool would be preferred by Obama supporters who found him to a fine example of how the president of the United States should be and people who used to love his speeches.

It very smartly captures the authentic tone and words that sound straight out of Obama’s vocabulary and speeches. This tool lets you create 100 paragraphs with no other text editing options. The CTA reads ‘Yes We Can.’

11. Cheese Ipsum:

Cheese IpsumPin

Cheese Ipsum is another fun Lorem Ipsum tool that works perfectly for people who want creamy, aged, melted content for their placeholder. It is ideal for a magazine, website, or brochure designers. Lorem Ipsum has been around forever, and it can get a little monotonous and dull to have to see the same script again and again on each project. Cheese Ipsum provides the user with a change of pace and flavor, giving the content a modern touch.

The user can choose the number of paragraphs they want, select between long, medium, and short lengths for these paragraphs, and create unique dummy text every time they hit generate. There is also a choice to start the dummy text with the phrase ‘I love cheese, especially..’ if you want.

These are the 11 best dummy text generators & Lorem Ipsum Tools for you to make use of for any of your website, brochure, or any other design-related job. Make sure to use the one that fits your requirements and matches your niche’s tone and personality.

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