10 Rules for Packaging Design That Will Make Your Product Stand Out

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Packaging design is the thing that creates the first impression of a product. If the customer finds the product in a creative or exciting package, then they may be more inclined to purchase the product. As there are numerous products that come on the market frequently, it becomes necessary to keep up with the competition through the proper use of packaging design. One has to use more creative, convincing and distinctive ways for packaging designs to make sure that products stands out. The packaging is not just a part of the product, but also an important element of marketing. If the packaging design is not up to the mark, then it would be difficult for the product designers to showcase their product. In this article, we’ve put together a list of 10 rules that will help your packaging design outshine the competition.

1. Content is the Key:

Packaging Designing - Content is the keyPin

While considering the packaging of the product, it is necessary to take care that the product doesn’t get ruined due to inefficient packaging. Also when it comes to the design one should make sure that the design represents the product and not ruin what it represents. To stand out from other competitors, designers tend to use a distinctive combination of material, shape or design which can turn out to be risky. To make sure the product remains safe in the package if it has an occasional drop or bumps during shipment, the packaging material must be strong enough to protect the product. Like mobile phone companies use cardboard packaging to make sure their product reaches safely.

So as part of the designing process use a unique material that fulfils both; the need for creating outstanding design and better protection for the product. There are many options for the packaging material options like metal, acrylic, wood and other durable materials. Thin plastic, glass or fragile material is not suitable for packaging. One of the important things is to make sure the packaging has details about the products, so the customers come to know about the product. Make sure the packaging has the name of the brand and product name on it. One of the crucial factors is to display clear information about the product on the packaging.

2. Honesty Serves the Best:

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When it comes to packaging, it is important to have information about the product on it and be creative. To put out actual information about the product is being honest with the customers. When you bring the actual information on the packaging, it creates a positive impression of the product before the customers. To create the package attractive, one must present the information in a creative way. A brief description or crisp lines along with the brand name can be enough information for the customers.

The size of the packaging would be more helpful to conclude on how much information to put and where. Always use logos, distinctive images or symbols whichever suits the design or represents the product. Never lie about anything related to the product on the packaging that would mislead the customer. While packaging design, make sure you research the preference of the customers or how your specific target customer prefers the package design based on demographics, competitors design and trends. So, while designing a package, make sure you follow the research data.

3. Send Multiple Designs to Test Group:

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While designing a package, it is must that the customer finds it attractive. It doesn’t matter how expensive the packaging is if the customers don’t find it right, the whole design is a waste. For the same reason, one must always design packaging and then send it across a specific group like your friends or family who could give you suggestions about it.

So before finalising the design, make sure it goes through a test to assure success. Just like everyone has different tastes for music, fashion and food similarly, they could have a distinct taste for packaging. Test group would reflect the actual market situation, and with the same data you could design your packaging better.

4. Practical Packaging:

Practical PackagingPin

Packaging means to make sure the product is safe and preserved in it. It should improve the functionality of the product as packaging is something that stays with the product until its use, so the package must be durable. Products like juices or cold drinks come in can and glass bottles. This increases the functionality of the drink by making it easier for the consumer to consume it.

If you consider packaging, glass bottle is heavy to handle and would need an opener to open whereas the can is easy to handle with the stay tab opening mechanism, which makes it easier to consume.

5.  Know your Target Customers:

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There are certain products which target a unique group of consumers. If your product is technical like electronic items, the package must contain details and information for the general audience to understand. For food and beverages, the customers may vary as per the use. There are food products which are targeted specifically to children be it some chocolates or wafers. The packaging depends upon the group of targeted customers. When any product is for children, it must make sure that kids find it interesting and attractive enough to convince their parents to buy it.

Similarly, when it comes to toys, they are targeted for children. Based on this likeness and preferences, the kind of product determines the packaging design. So basically, before packaging design, one should know the potential customers for the product. If you do not try to know your customers, then there are chances your design would end up as a disaster. The product which has the best packaging design is the one who knew their potential customers beforehand. Bad packaging design would consist of a wrong or incomplete message to the customers. Unattractive packages won’t be successful in the market until you come up with new designs. As always, research before you finalize and release your packaging design. Make sure that you know your potential customers based on their age group, location, gender and much more.

6. Consider Aspects of Competitors Design:

Consider Aspects of Competitors DesignPin

There are multiple products in the market, which have competitors for each category and different packaging designs. So, before you design packaging, make sure you take hints from competitors to get an idea on what works in the market. Combine the aspects of packaging designs of competitors and create a distinct design for you. Consider two different products of the same category, one a famous brand and another less successful brand.

You would find a similarity between these two brands and can make out what makes one brand successful and other unsuccessful. Take the positive aspects of the successful brand and look for the mistakes of the unsuccessful brand. This would help you to create packaging design that would create its mark in the market. Rather than copying from the competitors, packaging design take hints and inspiration from it create your creative design for packaging.

7. Appropriate Typography:


Customers tend to give a few minutes to check the packages till they drop it in their cart or keep it back in the shelf. So, while designing a package, you must consider the typography you use on the package. It should be readable by the customer. Always keep the typography eye catchy as much time is not given by the customers to go through the package. If typography is elegant and attractive, the amount of time spent on looking at the product increases. Many consider using simple typeface would help maintain clarity. You have the freedom to try on thousands of typefaces to try as in which would look suitable for product and in packaging design.

In typography, you can get as creative as you want and mix up a different combination of the typeface. Simple fonts can work as well only if it conveys what the product wants to. When designing the packaging of the product, you need to know what kind of emotion you want the customer wants to feel when he gets the product. Use the typography as per the emotion you want to evoke in the customer. There are other categories that you would want to consider before finalising the typeface. Always remember that what the product represents, font size, arrangement style and legibility on the package before choosing the typeface.

8. Clarity:


Clarity is one of the important things in packaging. Pick up a product from a store and study it for a minute. Go through the information displayed on the packaging and watch out for things that catch your attention. Take a close look and analyse whether you got all the essential information that you would need to make the purchase. If you fail to find specific information or unable to find any details about the brand, then it means the package lacks clarity. It is for the same reason of not finding the details on the package the customer tends not to purchase the product.

If in a few moments, you are unable to figure out the details of the product, then the packaging is a failure. Brand name with a list of product features along with creativity would work to attract customers. Legible and clean typography would do the work. Display the image of the original product inappropriate size that suits the packaging along with the brand name, creativity infused design and necessary information about the product, and your packaging design is complete.

9. Print Professionally:

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You should always lookout for the quality to get your packages printed. Quality is worth every penny you spend. Prefer spending on professional printing services rather than opting for the print store that is next to the corner. If the near print store assures you to provide the quality, then check the quality beforehand. Always consider the printing volume, completion time, budget and printing methods. If you are not sure of the professional quality of the printing, make sure you have an alternative for the same. No matter how creative and attractive your design is if the quality of printing is low, the whole package could turn out to be a disaster.

The digital method of printing gives better quality at affordable prices. There are other methods, but relatively the quality is low. If the quality of the package is good, it also conveys the quality of the product to the customers. Usually, products are in the package for safety, and the customer would not be able to figure out how the product would perform. Customers must go through the package and then buy it before opening it. So basically, packaging gives the idea of the product to the customer.

10. Talk to clients:

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When you are designing product packaging for clients, then you to communicate with them for their perception and must always continue to keep the communication open. Conversation with the helps to know the time to time changes if required by the client in the packaging design. At time clients are aware of what they want but are unable to express regarding design, so they depend on designers for packaging design. When the design is ready, make sure you approach the clients and get their feedback.

Once you get the approval of the client, then only you should proceed. Always ask for specification from the clients so that you have more information to design the package. Inform every step or progress you make in the designing process to the client. Always proceed when you get confirmation from your client. Communication with the client helps you packaging design creatively.

The packaging design is something that represents the product to the customers in the first place. It is a must that packaging design must creatively convey the product to attract the customer and increase the sale. The above tips would help you design package that would make your product stand out from the rest.

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