How to Create a First-Rate Portfolio Website Super-Fast

You want to show your creatives with the other people, and you know a portfolio website provides the most effective vehicle to do so.

You’re not sure you have the time or the wherewithal to build one from scratch and you don’t know which website building tool out there would be a good choice, and which ones would not.

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8 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Website Builder

It is always hard to start something new. Even now, before writing this post I have spent almost half an hour thinking about where and how to begin. The same is about website building. You have a dream to create a website, what then? You need to shape the destiny of your future site, i.e. to choose its foundation. You make this crucial decision once and further, it will influence the entire website development process, as well as its maintenance and success among users. So what are the main factors making one website building platform better than another and how you can differentiate them?

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10 Free Mockup Backgrounds to Present Your Work

Uploading samples of your work to sites such as Behance or Dribbble is a great way of getting noticed, so it’s worth spending a couple of minutes adding some polish to your images so they stand out and catch the attention of viewers. This free pack of abstract backgrounds will help you enhance your designs by mocking them up on abstract backgrounds. The vibrant colours and subtle textures help complement your pieces and turn them into stunning pieces of eye candy.

Are you looking for more backgrounds freebies? Check out these free Vector Backgrounds! They will surely help you create awesome, creative websites with vector-patterned backgrounds.

Or maybe you are looking for some inspiration on how to use these backgrounds in web design? Check out these Pattern Backgrounds, Web Designs with Subtle Grain Texture Backgrounds, and Web Designs with Bright Flat Color Backgrounds. Hope these hand-picked website designs will inspire you and teach you new ways on how you can use backgrounds in web design.

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How to Code a Stylish Portfolio Design in HTML/CSS

Over on my Blog.SpoonGraphics design blog this week, I posted a Photoshop design tutorial that takes you through the process of building a stylish portfolio design concept. Follow this second part of the tutorial here on Line25, where we’ll code up a stylish portfolio design into a fully working HTML and CSS website. Stick around for part three, when we’ll go a step further and convert the static website into a WordPress build.

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