15 Essential WordPress Plugins for Aspiring Designers

If you want to show off your web design credentials to the world, then WordPress is the perfect blogging platform to use: it’s simple, accessible and highly customizable. Nevertheless, you’re not going to be able to create a professional standard WordPress blog with great work and creativity alone, you’re also going to need some rather nifty plugins.

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HTML & CSS Editing Apps For Windows Designers

Our recent roundup of HTML and CSS editing apps for Mac users proved to be really popular, but the Windows-based designers were feeling a little left out. This week’s roundup pulls together the most popular editing application choices for PC users.

These HTML & CSS editing apps for Windows users will help designers build standards-compliant websites with the help of powerful tools features such as live preview, validation, live editing, HTL5 support, drag and drop systems, FTP editing, troubleshooting, browser support, auto-completion features, and more.

Choose your favorite editing app from the list below.

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Top HTML & CSS Editing Apps For Mac Designers

When it comes to web design, every designer tends to have their own favorite coding application. Luckily for Mac users, there are plenty of options to choose from, this roundup of HTML and CSS editors pulls together the most popular editing apps with a brief overview of their features.

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Inspirational Showcase of Business Card Websites

The term ‘business card website’ has become widely associated with the popular style of website that has cropped up on the personal domains of designers and developers. The site is essentially a simple, single page design that displays personal information, contact details and links through to other social profiles, much like a traditional tactile business card is used to display basic information.

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