30 Amazing Graphic Designer Portfolio Websites

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If you liked our Creative Female Web Designers post, then you’ll definitely like this roundup of 30 really awesome graphic designer portfolio websites!

Every designer should have a portfolio website. A good portfolio website is one that showcases your talents and is capable of appealing to the masses. One of the many challenging components of web design in today’s industry is trying to find the best tool to use for the job; from deciding which programming language to use, to whether or not you should use a framework or CMS. In this blog post, we selected 30 amazing graphic designer portfolio websites you should check out. You can also follow these talented graphic designers on Twitter, Instagram or on other social media channels and be inspired by their work!

Also, if you want to create an awesome portfolio website for yourself, this list can be very useful to you. Check them out below!

Timothy Goodman – @timothygoodman

Timothy Goodman Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Timothy Goodman has a really nice portfolio website for his works. This website keeps it simple with a minimalist design, a dark horizontal band with some hand-drawn typography and a modular grid layout used to present his prints.

Andreas M Hansen – @andreasmhansen

Andreas M Hansen Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Andreas M. Hansen is yet another cool graphic designer with impressive works and a really nice portfolio website. This website has a dark layout and uses huge typography in both its header and next to each thumbnail photo of the grid gallery.

Luke Choice – @velvetspectrum

luke choice Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Luke Choice’s graphic designs are very colorful and can be a great source of inspiration. The portfolio website has a minimalist design with a modular grid layout which is perfect for presenting these eye-catching projects.

Ornamental Conifer – @ornamentalconifer

Ornamental Conifer on Lettering Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Ornamental Conifer is yet another awesome graphic designer you might want to follow thanks to the amazing work he’s done over the years. His online portfolio has a simple design, with a focus on typography and content rather than on visuals.

David Milan – @mdemilan

David Milan on BehancePin

David Milan’s art focuses on typography and lettering and his portfolio proves this designer’s vast experience. Browse through it and get inspired by all the logos and lettering projects he has done.

Rob Draper – @robdraper1

Rob Draper - Art & DesignPin

Rob Draper has an impressive portfolio website which showcases all the prints and design projects he has worked on. The portfolio website has a minimalist design, with a left vertical menu which contains all the project titles, leaving the rest of the layout free for a large image of a GIF. presentation.

Gemma O’Brien – @mrseaves101

Gemma O’Brien Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Gemma O’Brien is another cool graphic designer which can be a great source of inspiration. Her work is amazing and it focuses on prints and lettering. Her online portfolio design is mostly monochrome, with very graphic, strong visuals and lots of lettering projects.

Nicholas Moegly – @nicholasmoegly

Nicholas Moegly Graphic Designer Portfolio Pin

Nicholas Moegly might be your next go-to source of inspiration thanks to this amazing portfolio website! It uses the popular grid layout to showcase his work. Check out this simple, yet creative website design.

Tad Carpenter – @tadcarpenter

Carpenter Collective Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

You should really browse through this amazing portfolio website! This website presents some amazing graphic design projects done by Carpenter Collective and it’s very vibrant, with lots of colors and great projects displayed on a simple, white background.

Leta Sobierajski – @letasobierajski

Leta Sobierajski Graphic Designer PortfolioPin

Leta Sobierajski also has an amazing portfolio website and an impressive gallery of her work. All the projects are mind-blowing and colorful and they might be a great source of inspiration for aspiring designers.

Heather Shaw – @urbancrunchy

Heather Shaw Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Heather Shaw is yet another talented graphic designer with an impressive portfolio website. This design has a darker layout, with grid elements and beautiful graphics. Browse through her works and website to find your inspiration.

Rodrigo Corral – @rodrigocorral

Rodrigo Corral Graphic Designer Portfolios Pin

Rodrigo Corral is the creator of some of the most iconic visuals and this is his portfolio website. Check out all of these impressive graphic design projects.

Tobias Hall – @tobiashall

Tobias Hal Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Tobias Hall is yet another talented graphic designer with an amazing portfolio website! This website has a vertical menu bar and a modular grid layout for his project gallery.

Lee Crutchley – @leecrutchley

Lee Crutchley Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Lee Crutchley’s website can be a great source of inspiration, especially because it’s not only a portfolio but also a landing page for his books! It uses contrasting colors and great artwork throughout the site.

Jennet Liaw – @jennetliaw

JENNET LIAW Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Jennet Liaw’s portfolio website is definitely unique and gives a new sense to the minimalist design. This website has a simple textured and light-colored background and a number for each project. Click it to find out more!

Stefanie Bruckler

Stefanie Brückler PortfolioPin

Stefania Bruckler has some really elegant graphic design projects which will definitely grab your attention! They are displayed on a simple and orderly grid layout with a color theme.

Amadeus Malmén – @amadeuces

Amadeus Malmen Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Amadeus Malmén is yet another great graphic designer which might become your next source of inspiration. This portfolio website presents Amadeus’ works in a minimalist way through a white background a modular grid layout. Each project’s thumbnail photo is square and has the same size.

Maztrone – @maztrone

Maztrone Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

If you want another great source of inspiration in regards to graphic design, Maztrone might be just what you were thinking of! Browse this amazing portfolio website and find your inspiration.

Chris Labrooy – @chrislabrooy

chris labrooy Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Chris Labrooy is yet another talented designer whose works will definitely have an impact on you on the second you enter his portfolio website. This is a fullscreen portfolio design with very large, high-quality, professional images and subtle transitions between slides and elements.

Neil A Stevens – @neil_a_stevens

Neil Stevens Print Shop Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

If you’re a fan of illustrations and prints, Neils A. Stevens might be exactly the source of inspiration you have been looking for. The portfolio website looks great, has a clean and minimalist design which presents the designer’s work in a modern way.

Mike Perry – @mikeperrystudio

Mike Perry Studio Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Mike Perry’s works are always colorful and come with a friendly vibe and so does his portfolio website. The website keeps it simple, focusing on presenting large thumbnail images of each project. What stands out from a regular design layout is that unique menu bar that gives it personality.

Mister Doodle – @misterdoodle

Mister Doodle on BehancePin

Mister Doodle is yet another talented designer you might want to follow for a constant source of inspiration. Check out these impressive works on Behance!

Steven Harrington – @s_harrington

The Studio of Steven Harrington Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Steven Harrington lives and works in Los Angeles, California and produces commissioned and self-inspired works. This is his amazing portfolio website which has a very simple, minimalist design and features his works through high-quality images.

Peter Komierowsk – @PeterKStudio

Peter Komierowski Pin

Peter Komierowsk is an Illustrator, designer, and art director based out of Vancouver. His website is a great source of inspiration when it comes to logos.

Dschwen LLC. – @dschwen

Dschwen LLC Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Dschwen is a creative studio fueled by collaboration. They drive people to connect with brands through design. Browse through their portfolio website and check out their impressive works!

First and Fifteenth – @steveespopowers

First and Fifteenth – Steve Powers Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Stephen Powers’s work focuses on amazing prints and lettering and on this website you will be able to see and even buy some of his projects.

Erik Marinovich – @erikmarinovich

Erik Marinovich Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Erik Marinovich is a San Francisco based lettering artist and a co-founder of Friends of Type. He also has an amazing portfolio website. This website has a minimalist design that uses a modular grid layout.

 Grant Burke

Toronto Freelance GraphicPin

Check out Grant Burke’s website and have a look at this projects. This designer’s work covers a large range of projects such as logos, brand identity, illustrations, product design and much more.

Joshua Noom – @joshuanoom

JOSHUA NOOM Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Joshua Noom might become your next source of inspiration. Browse through this graphic designer’s portfolio website and see if these are the kinds of projects you had in mind.

Lauren Hom – @homsweethom

Lauren Graphic Designer PortfoliosPin

Last but not least, Lauren Hom is an illustration and letterer and this is her website. Browse through her work and get inspired to make amazing projects.

Do you want to add any design portfolio websites to the list? Please leave your comments below.

3 thoughts on “30 Amazing Graphic Designer Portfolio Websites”

  1. Thanks Iggy for sharing such a nice post with the download links, I was really searching for it. Don’t miss to check out my work at logoglaze.com


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