14 Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration

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Designing is a continuous process that involves the evolution of art in various manners. Sometimes designers create something totally out of context, and that requires a specific audience to appreciate. Where art is very subjective, artists are very similar on a deeper level. They create something beautiful out of whatever they have seen, perceived and liked in their lives. That’s why it’s important for designers to see and understand different creative concepts to keep their minds healthy and available to create their own ideas for future projects.

Inspiring designs hardly skip the attention of viewers because they have something to take from; every designer or artist likes to remember or store them in their collection for better and sharp creative output for their personal designs. Here we are discussing 14 highly creative design concepts for your inspiration and to help with your creative ideas. So let’s get started and go through the collection, analyzing each design.

1. Puzzle” Calendar by Katsumi Tamura:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: 1. Puzzle" Calendar by Katsumi TamuraPin

It is one of the most creative and unique ideas that has captured many people’s attention, including the designer community and other professionals. This puzzle calendar is an innovation of Katsumi Tamura. The designer has created an engaging and fun instrument out of the basic subject, like a calendar. It has attractive colors and various geometrical shapes with grooves to form multiple types of objects.

Every year we see many different concepts around the calendar. Still, this one has inspired a lot of artists to build their calendar designs in a more practical, functional and engaging way. Unlike usual calendars, this calendar design might not just sit on the table for most of the time. People can always find it enticing to make something out of it, and that’s the authentic charm of this design.

2. Death By Chocolate:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Death By ChocolatePin

Death by chocolate, crooked for you is a beautiful album design from Alain Aebersold. This complete album design has unique minimal and impactful essence. The color pallet of this design is very vibrant and intense that gives it a robust eccentric look. It has a duo-tone color theme which is one of the trendiest concepts in the designing sector. Moreover, the main icon of this design is very interesting and thoughtful that portrays the crooked word and chocolate in a unique manner. The designer has kept the overall composition very sleek, compact and modern, which is perfect for modern album designs. So, in other words, it is a highly creative design concept that can surely support your various stylish and contemporary design projects.

3. Beats Banner Design:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Beats BannerPin

It is a very eccentric, glamorous and sophisticated design of beats brand. This beautiful creation is by the designer Vadim Umbriaco. Here to give a unique and unconventional look, the colors are selected wisely. It has minimal elements and contrasts colors with different textures and clean finishing.

This banner design is bold, powerful, and one of a kind which makes it sufficiently creative for a music brand like beats. It is a perfect example of a lightweight but impactful design idea. Your design doesn’t necessarily have to include heavy, vibrant and fancy design elements; sometimes, two or three solid ideas can be enough to make a remarkable composition.

4. Upward:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: UpwardPin

Upward is a fantastic logo design by Dusan Sevarika. It is a highly creative design with basic and natural elements. The word upward has been illustrated very well in this design with the use of an actual image and small illustration. The flag and mountains clearly explain the brand name, and this overall design can be used in so many other valuable banners, business cards, cover pages, presentations, and branding accessories. It is a simple, natural and exciting design to inspire designers to create something innovative and fascinating out of some natural, minimum and ordinary elements.

5. Requiem J: Fashion Event:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Requim JPin

It is one of those designs where you feel like this idea has a very limited potential to get successful. And that is not entirely wrong. The designer has used a very old and fun technique called doodling. The childlike doodling on the magazine cover page makes it unique and exciting because professional designers might not use it on a larger platform.

But to add a quirky essence and make it bold and contemporary, the use of basic colors, shapes and fonts is working effectively. It is a surprising, attractive and memorable design concept. You can surely take it as an inspiration to make any of your designs modern and one of a kind to grab the proper attention. However, analysis of industry, audience, trend and purpose plays a significant role in such concepts.

6. Inject Hope:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Raising HopePin

It is an innovative, professional and effective campaign design that talks about therapy and rehabilitation help for drug addicts. The campaign involves many different banners, ads, icon and t-shirt designs. Here the fonts, monochrome image, layered texts and message are fused so well together that the overall composition looks exceptionally good and memorable.

The inline texts are used over normal filled texts to create a powerful message and the nature of drugs. It is a relatable, impactful and very well projected design. The colorless theme with bright color text is a great theme to be inspired from. So overall it’s one of the most inspiring design concepts that you can save to make impressive ads and banners that portray the message, feel, and nature of a particular subject most efficiently and creatively.

7. Rain Symbol Design:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Rain SymbolPin

This simple and small design is a real piece of art. The designer has taken an elementary word like a raindrop and presented it with only one geometrical shape like a line. The equal-sized lines shaped around a drop object in an overlapping theme looks very elegant, minimal and refreshing.

It is a unique, fundamental and creative design that looks very smart and sharp with the help of just one element. And that’s the takeout from this design. Your inspiration should be a simple, ordinary but creative presentation from this design concept. Any of your logos, symbol and brand name, can look attractive and professional with such ideas.

8. Shake my head – the milkshakes packing design:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Shake My Head MilkShakePin

This packaging design is enjoyable, creative and exciting in nature. The different flavors of shakes are given different and complementary designs. Each design is funky, comical and playful to give a lovely friendly and modern theme. Every cup and glass will look complete once they are filled with their shakes, and that is a very thoughtful concept.

The character designs are very beautifully done. It is packed with vivid colors, funny expressions, thrilling faces and animated looks. So, in other words, this can be an outstanding design to take as an inspiration; many brand designs can use this concept to engage their customer and leave a strong impression. Therefore, please save it in your collection and bring some innovation to your projects.

9. Design Talks:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Design TalksPin

It is a professionally designed branding design concept for the brand Design Talks. The designer has used a very simple and influential theme in this concept to portray a bold, vintage and technical look. Earlier flyers and print ads used to have such sharp and loud colors and fonts which is beautifully included in this design project.

It is a clean, bright and unique design concept for a modern brand. You can surely use this idea and create some fantastic projects to add a retro essence to a contemporary market. It is a classic, flexible and impactful design concept that can inspire many creative professionals who like to use effective, dramatic and timeless design ideas.

10. Coca Cola:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Coca ColaPin

This highly creative ad design of coca-cola has so many beautiful elements that make it worth saving for better inspiration and idea reference. The realistic representation with vibrant colors, appropriate set-up, bright theme and lively concept blends well with the overall creative composition.

It is an eccentric and exceptionally attractive design that makes it perfect for an ad campaign. Many brands and designers can use this image as an inspiration to build their ads and banners in a creative, interactive and playful manner. It’s a beautiful concept to mix realistic pictures, 3D elements, artistic ideas and vivid colors in a design for any professional and engaging design purpose.

11. Poster Pikachu:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: PikachuPin

This cute poster of Pikachu has every element about Pikachu that describes its personality. It is minimal, creative and a very attractive poster with amazing versatile nature. The bright yellow color is smartly used to absorb the subject’s shape and make it more seamless. Some other words, shadow, and strokes are included to portray what this pokemon is all about.

So overall, it is a very fancy, attractive, and playful design that can be used in multiple design projects. With this design, you can take minimal, impactful and creative design ideas as an inspiration. In addition, this design proves no extra objects, effects, or fonts are necessary to make a clean, straightforward and modern poster design.

12. Playoff Illustration:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: IllustrationPin

This stunning infographic has a beautiful color combination and a professional look for various objectives. Playoff illustration has multiple characters holding lights and flying to achieve something, and this message is portrayed so well in this design with a unique essence and high-quality presentation. The glow of lights is a highlight of this design that goes perfectly with a dark background and gradient colors. This illustration is a beautiful design to use in professional projects where business, growth, idea, education, success, knowledge, and other relatable things are associated.

13. Creative Handmade Font:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Handmade FontsPin

Handmade fonts are an enjoyable category in designing that gives freedom to make some of the coolest and unique fonts. This font package has multiple creative fonts with natural and handmade styles. The real textures, tints, strokes and elements are included here to make a nice set of handmade fonts. It can be an exciting choice for fun, vibrant, modern and interactive designs. So overall, it’s a brilliant design concept to take as an inspiration and build some solid, realistic and handcrafted font styles.

14. Splash n’ Lights:

Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration: Splash & LightsPin

This highly creative design is a real piece of art that reflects the creator’s sincerity, unique idea, and hard work. Converting a real picture into an artwork is a fun thing to do for every digital artist. But it requires great control and knowledge of essential tools and concepts. This design has a splash of water and sparkling lights, creating an illusion of a girl from the original picture. It is a glamorous, creative, and exceptionally well-executed concept. This illuminating artwork can become an inspiration for many creative people that are stuck on their personal and unique projects.

There is an end number of creative concepts available in the market that are worth attention and appreciation. And we have tried to pick some of the most creative, beautiful, thoughtful and inspiring design concepts that can help many creative professionals.

A creative blockage is a real thing, and that ruins creative people’s work and schedules. It is natural and unavoidable in some cases. But to cure that and come out of it very quickly, you can use this collection and various other creative sources to brush up your blockage and get some beautiful inspiration.

Above listed design concepts are highly creative and inspirational that hold multiple unique elements and essence. Each composition is a beautiful combination of attractive and intriguing colors, subjects, shapes and illustrations. So for any web designer, graphic designer or creative individual, this collection can be used to inspire and motivate towards various creative projects. Consider bookmarking this page for future reference.

2 thoughts on “14 Highly Creative Design Concepts for Inspiration”

  1. Hello, This is really too useful and have more ideas from yours. keep sharing many techniques. eagerly waiting for your new blog and useful information……nice…….


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