10 Free Flyer Templates for any Occasion

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Everyone loves freebies – and we have some great ones for you to look through today. Flyers can be used by virtually any business for an event, sales, products, items, etc. and there are great freebies all over the internet for you to find the perfect template that will make your text pop. You always want to find the best and most relevant design in regards to your brand and the idea behind it, also keeping in mind the voice of your brand, whether it is casual, bright and fun, serious in tone, or business related. Either way, this list will allow you to find just what you need in regards to a fantastic flyer that’s FREE! Here are 10 free flyer templates for any occasion.

Block Party Flyer

This is a great option for a free flyer that is warm in tone, including a blurred image in the background, white text, and a gold frame that allows the eye to flow freely throughout the entire flyer. There is also the integration of translucent gold squares in the top left and bottom right corners in order to have more of a design feel, as well as drawing more attention to the white text.

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Magazine Cover

If you need a cover for a magazine, whether it is a digital or a printed one, this freebie offers a great tool to get you started. With half of the background being used to showcase some great photography, and the other half integrating white space in order to bring attention to the black text, this template is great to use if you need a free option for your magazine cover design.

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Real Estate Template Freebie

You won’t believe that this is a free template option! Real estate is a great business that utilizes advertisement in order to sell beautiful properties to people looking into investing in buying a new home. In order to advertise, they can use online ads and flyers like this one. With this sleek and minimal design, this template offers a professional and appealing option for anyone in the real estate business, with cohesive colors and strategically placed background images. Your flyer can’t get much better than this!


Restaurant Flyer Option

You see flyers and advertisements for new or existing restaurants looking to bring in new customers all the time. Some are better than other in regards to the design, and you might say that it’s because of their budget. With this template, there is a simplified design that has great colors and text that allows for a cohesive design. You won’t think that they are trying too hard to lure you in with bright yellow or red colors and large, overbearing text and less than good quality photos. With this template design, you’ll be able to create a great flyer that sells to the audience in question with ease and with professional quality – all for the great price of free-ninety-nine.


Music or DJ Event Template

For a night club advertisement, you’d probably think you’ll need every color under the rainbow in an ad, all fluorescent and bright in order to capture the hearts of the rave fans – but you’d be wrong (at least somewhat). Depending on the night club or venue, the brand of the place most likely has its’ own colors, voice, and overall vibe that must be translated into the flyer. In this example, we see that the only colors really used is variations and tones of the color blue, followed by bold and simple text. This translates the idea of the overall event, branding of the night club, as well as communicates the overall voice to be offered to the audience in order to get the attention of potential guests attending the event. You don’t always need it to be over the top for an entertainment based flyer, and this is a great example of that.


Another Night Life Example

This is another great example that hits all the points we talked about previously. The amount of blank space here forces the eye to the text, with a simple image with minimal colors, shaped into a triangle, as well as implementing simple, thin text that improves the simplicity and the idea of minimalism. This allows the reader to get the information needed as quickly as possible and to make a decision about attending the event or not, instead of being overwhelmed by the excessive colors and designs, eventually not even moving to the text at all, possibly because they lost interest. Less is always more!

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A Business Event Flyer

Much like the designs and other flyers mentioned above, this flyer utilizes simple yet colorful designs to offer the information to the reader in a settle way, allowing them to digest the information quickly and easily, as well as being balanced out with the background images and colors of the banners. This template is typically used for a business event, but can be versatile in its’ design and can possibly be made to use for other advertisements as well.


Nature’s Flyer Template

This has definitely got to be one of my favorites. This is because everything goes together so well, and the text works in a kind of symbiosis relationship with the background image. Without being too overbearing, this template will allow you to get the information across, as well as giving the creator an overall professional and affordable flyer template experience.

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Gym Membership Template

We’ve all seen ads for the gym, and they’re all along the same lines in terms of design. The use of black and white images, brightly colored banners, bold text, and usually includes a deal for membership. This template has all of that, while also appearing professional and sleek.


Travel Guide Template

This template is great, as well as versatile. You can include this in a magazine spread, an advertisement, or even a blog post. With this amount of free flyer templates, the opportunities are endless and bountiful.

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