Why Your Website’s Design Is So Important

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A website is no longer an optional extra for businesses. Whether you work in the B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to customer) field, a website is essential. The internet is the place where people go to find the answers to their questions. You have such a limited amount of time to make a good impression on your website visitors – in fact, it is thought that you have as little as three seconds to impress your customers, and one of the biggest turn-offs is a poorly designed or slow to load website.

Why does website design matter so much to websites such as Loyal Casino?

When you have an online casino website such as Loyal Casino, having a website design that resonates with your audience is even more essential. You want your customers to stay on the site and spend money with you, and if it is difficult to navigate, or irritating to look at, they are going to go with your competitors. Playing online is a hobby rather than something necessary, so the users want and need it to be aesthetically pleasing as well as fully functional.


Customers want to feel like the website is designed for them

You may think that everyone over the age of 18 is your audience, but that is far too broad a market to be focusing on. You need to narrow it down – is it mostly women or men? Is it sports betting or traditional casino games? Is it a luxury casino or something a little more basic? These make a difference, believe it or not. If you have women in mind, you might want to consider a more vibrant colour scheme and make sure that the social aspects of your website are accessible and easy to use. Women tend to enjoy the social aspects of casino and gambling websites more than men. If you are going for a luxury, upmarket casino feel, then dark, opulent colours are going to be more in keeping. For sports betting websites, blues and greens are a popular choice. These speak to a traditionally male audience, and green is the colour of many sports pitches and terrains. In the most, online casinos have a target demographic of 25 to 40-year-olds, who like to Play Live casino.

Customers want to be able to navigate the website with ease

After the aesthetics of your casino website design, the next most important thing to take into account is how easy it is to navigate. Remember, as casino website owners, you know the site and are familiar with it. However, are your customers? What if a new player comes along – can they find everything that they need easily?

One way of figuring out how easy to navigate your website is, put yourself in the mind of someone less technical. Perhaps imagine your older next-door neighbour or your mother – would they be able to find the sign-up page and the terms and conditions without too much hassle, or would they end up shutting down the laptop screen in frustration or looking elsewhere?

What you want from your casino website design is the ability to find everything within a click or two. Your customers want to spend their time playing and winning money, not trying to find out how they deposit their cash. Ensure that it is intuitive and accessible for both experienced customers and new ones.

Customers want to be able to access your website on a multitude of devices without the hassle

It is thought that almost three-quarters of online casino users use their phones or other mobile devices to access and use online casinos. It is imperative, therefore, that your website is designed to be mobile-friendly as well as accessible on laptops and desktop computers. Users expect to be able to play without interruption and problems, however they decide to access it. Not only that but if you want your casino website to rank highly on Google – which will bring you more traffic – you have to ensure that it is mobile responsive1. Google penalizes any websites that are not, and this can hurt your ranking.

Customers want to play without being bombarded with adverts and po/pups

While websites understandably want to have adverts and other revenue-generating features on them, it is important to make sure that they are not so intrusive or so distracting that they make your customers click off your site in frustration.  Pop-up adverts, newsletter sign-up forms, offers – make sure they do not hog the screen and are easy to click away from. Also, be aware that adverts can make your users click off your site and go elsewhere – and that is the last thing you want to happen.

Customers want to be able to read text quickly

For obvious reasons, the games and the graphics are the most important aspect of a casino or gaming website. Website visitors are there for one reason and one reason only: to play.  However, there always needs to be some textual content so that they understand the rules, narrative, and context of the games that they are playing, and if that text is poorly presented or long and full of unnecessary waffle, they just are not going to read it. Present information in short, concise blocks that do not take long to skim through – if necessary, outsource the job to professional content writers.

Website design and the user interface are important on all websites, but never more so than on a casino website where you want your visitors to really interact and engage with your content. Make it hard or unpleasant to look at, and they are going to click off and go elsewhere. Players want to feel comfortable and relaxed while enjoying a game or two – and they are much more likely to spend more if you make them feel this way. It is much more than a few fancy graphics and welcome bonuses. It is also important that you listen to feedback from your customers and carry our tegular site audits to ensure your design is as good as it possibly can be.

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