Test Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript Skills Online

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Many of us designers think we know programming, however there is only one true way to check: by testing. When you test yourself, you will know just how well you know a certain area of programming / coding, so you can improve on what you already know.

There is a service from Tests for Geeks that allows you to do just that. This service is great for those of us who simply want to test our own skills, and it is also great for anyone who is considering hiring a web developer on a full-time basis (I am not talking about an occasional project for a website, but more along the lines of permanent hire). Let us look at Tests for Geeks and see how it works for those of us who want to test our own skills.

First, you would need to choose a test you want to take. There are 2 that I can recommend for you to take. The first one is the HTML/CSS/Javascript test.


The other test is the HTML/CSS test. This is for those of you who think you know HTML and CSS, but don’t really have a clue about Javascript or simply don’t know it well enough to test yourself yet.


The HTML & CSS test has a total of 40 HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1 questions and includes testing how well you know fonts, HTML tags such as div, paragraph, a link, input, select, form and table. It also includes testing for CSS properties and values, css rule priorities, cascading and inheritance. And finally, it includes testing how well you know layouts, selects and the box model.

The HTML / CSS/ Javascript test includes all of the above, but also adds 19 Javascript questions that test you on general concept of Javascript, functions, variables, string manipulation, objects, arrays, operators as well as document object model.

After you choose a test, click on the “Pass test by Myself” button.


At this point you are asked to register. With the free registration you can take up to 2 tests and you will even receive a report via email that will tell you how well (or poorly) you did. So why don’t you go ahead and take that HTML/CSS/Javascript test or just the HTML/CSS test without Javascript and find out just how much you know, if you dare : )

1 thought on “Test Your HTML, CSS & JavaScript Skills Online”

  1. Thanks for sharing this Iggy! Seems to be a perfect platform for testing our own skills and a great help to hire potential designers and programmers. Though interesting to see, how extensive question bank is.


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