What to Look for in Choosing a Remote Development Agency

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When you look for a development agency to do the coding needed to complete your web design project, selecting a remote agency for the task can make a great deal of sense. You should however know what to look for before making your final choice.

You naturally will be looking for an agency that works to the highest standards, which can be summed up as follows:

  • The agency is known for the quality of its workmanship, work processes, and procedures.
  • The agency is transparent in its dealings with its clients and customers.
  • The staff and workforce react quickly in situations requiring rapid responses or have tight deadlines.
  • The coders are well-trained, disciplined, good at what they do, and are not hesitant to take on responsibilities.

Fortunately, such an agency exists – an agency that is well-known for the excellent work it performs, as well as its cool company culture.


How to Ensure Success Outcomes when Working with a Remote Coding Agency

Xfive is a remote development agency that is well known for its adherence to high workmanship standards, for having a solid history of providing the best in coding services, and whose workforce fosters a company culture that outsiders can only envy.

Below are their tips, drawn from their 10 year of experience managing high-profile projects.

Communicate Deadlines from the Onset

Communicating your deadlines from the onset is key. Xfive’s workforce is client-oriented and highly flexible, but letting them know your deadlines upfront allows them to take into account the number of coders or hours that may be needed to complete your project on time.

Review the Project Plan and Its Timeline

Your project will be assigned to a Project Manager. One of the PM’s duties will be to present you with a proposed development plan. Make it a point to review the tasks outlined; and feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.

Even when working with an agency noted for its transparency, it makes sense to understand their proposed project plan up front.


Have Weekly Report Meetings

Regularly scheduled status meetings are a matter of course with Xfive, and it’s in your best interests to be supportive of these meetings. One of the benefits of working with a remote agency is that their meetings tend to be brief and to the point.

A 20 minute Skype session usually suffices. That’s hard to do in a large meeting room filled with people.

Reach an Agreement on the Project Specifications and Stick with It

You can of course make changes any time you want, but even small specifications can sometimes lead to time-consuming programming changes. Xfive is very good about advising you on potential issues that could arise when they first review your specifications.

It’s always preferable to resolve any such issues up front. The Xfive goal is save you time and money whenever possible; without compromising quality.


Local Teams or Remote Teams?

The physical location of a remote software development agency is not the point. The important thing to take into account is the size and composition of its client base. A remote agency that has offices on three continents can be expected to serve an international clientele.

When an agency has been in business for 10 years, it has had the opportunity to have completed a large number of different projects, and the fact that the agency continues to prosper is a sign that it has completed those projects to the satisfaction of its customers.

Nor does “remoteness” impede communications in any way. Whether you rely on email, Skype, or video conferencing, communication is instantaneous, and better than having to periodically trot off to, or drive to, a conference room to view presentations that are no more effective than what can be presented over the Internet.

The bottom line? You will have experienced professionals, from different countries, with different, yet pertinent technical backgrounds, working for you under the leadership of a Program Manager who has your best interests in mind. All of this, in a nutshell, is what you can expect when you make Xfive your coding agency of choice.

About Xfive

Three important things the Xfive agency offers are 10 years of experience, a reputation for innovation, and a compelling desire to tend to and take care of their clients’ needs. When you submit your design for coding, their team will analyze your requirements and specifications, and get back to you with a proposed solution they believe will best serve your needs. You are more than welcome to review their development standards.

Xfive has assisted thousands of clients over the past decade, including such industry giants as eBay, Microsoft, Twitter, and Fox Enterprises. Large or small doesn’t matter.

If you are a struggling startup or a lone-wolf web designer, you will get the same level of friendly, flexible, transparent, and innovative assistance. Xfive is different, which is one reason why its clients keep coming back.

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