How to Launch a New Website – Tips, Tricks and Insights

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Launching a website can sometimes feel like a Herculean task.  There are so many different elements you would like to add.  Very often you have neither the time or resources to take a website to the level you truly desire.


However, by incorporating the following basic steps into your site design, you will be able to launch your website without a struggle.

Use Google Analytics


Google Analytics will assist you to see where your visitors come from, how they access your site and any posts explored.  If you don’t have Google Analytics already, consider including it before you launch your new site.  This way you’ll be able to properly monitor traffic to your site.

Use Webmaster Tools

Webmaster tools will show you how to optimize your website.  Search engines like Google offer great tools which will crawl your site and give you feedback so that you can ensure that your site is at it’s best.

You can find out tips to assist you with your site download speed.  You’ll also gain tips to assist you with increasing your ranking with search engines.

Redirect your old URLs

If you are launching a new website, it is quite possible that your URLs will change.  However, because your old site has been online for a great deal of time, Google (and other search engines) will still display your old Url address, should anybody look you up on the internet.

If your Url’s are now different, anybody clicking on your old links will not achieve the desired results.  This can be frustrating for your clients.

Instead of leaving your clients with a blank page, redirect them to an accurate page using a 301 redirect.  This is a great solution if you still own the rights to your old site but would rather share your new site with viewers.

Sign up for social media before your site is launched


If you are creating a new website, you will also want to set up social media accounts.  This is because your viewers will not only find your site but may wish to engage with you via Twitter, Instagram or even a Facebook page.  By setting up your social media accounts, you’ll also provide options for your clients to explore your latest updates.

Don’t wait for your new site to launch before creating your social media accounts.  The earlier you register, the more likely your domain name will still be available on social media as well.  In addition, you can share information with your followers and announce the launch of your new site.

Prepare your content a month in advance

When you launch your website, you’ll want to have great content to share with your viewers.  However, the launch of your site as well as tweaking the final results can take up a lot of time and attention.

By preparing great content well in advance, you will have valuable information to offer your viewers.  You’ll also have time to plan where else you want to go to your website without the frequent need to create new content.

Let your viewers know that you will be about to launch your new site

If you have an old site, blog or even a great social media following, let your viewers or followers know that you are going to be launching your new site.  This will help to build up a sense of anticipation.  You can let your viewers know the date your new launch will take place, while still keeping the details of your site a surprise if you wish.

Create a coming soon banner for your site


Once you have acquired the rights to your site domain, don’t simply leave your site blank.  Instead, create a banner with your logo letting your clients know your site will soon be launched.

Likewise, let clients on your old site know that your new website will soon be launched.  This way you will let clients know that they will soon be able to reach your site.  It may not be live quite yet, but it will be soon.

Plan your site goals for at least a month after your launch

If you’ve launched your new site and you’re working on a plan to create some hype before the launch.  However, you’ll need to work on what to do after your site has been launched.  This will help you to keep your site interesting to new viewers.

Try to plan any updates, imagery, posts, or content you would place on your site up until at least a month after the launch.  This will keep your site interesting to new viewers. Even if we’re talking about actor websites which are mostly as a presentation medium, you still need to make a plan about it.

Check your technical details before launching your site

You will want your early viewers to have a great experience when it comes to your new site.  This means making sure your site reads consistently across different social media platforms, that your call to actions are effective and your site is easy to navigate.

Check every element of your site from your viewer’s perspective.  Take into account your site download times as well as the responsiveness of your design.

Once you’re happy with the aesthetics of your site, check all of your links, your contact forms, subscriptions, and forums.  Your user should be able to engage freely and intuitively with your site.  Fine-tune any last-minute changes you need to make and keep time aside for last-minute glitches.

Do you have all the plugins you need? If you sell consultations as well, don’t use a regular contact form for that. Organize yourself with booking plugins.

Test your web speed


Once you’ve taken into account the technical details of your account, you can ask Google to test your web speed and offer up changes or recommendations to increase your speed.

You don’t need a perfect score, but downloading time can be important to viewers, who will sometimes abandon a site if it takes too long to download.  A site that downloads quickly will also benefit your search engine rankings.

Don’t forget about testing other aspects of your design as well. If you are designing a web app, look into web application testing. Don’t push something out there that will just be crushed by feedback.

Optimize your content using SEO


If you update your content regularly once your new site goes live, your viewers will look forward to regular updates.  When you write your content, keep the persona of your user in mind.  What questions does he or she ask?  Which keywords would be relevant?  Try to keep SEO in mind while writing your content, using keywords throughout your text in a natural and easy to read style.

Stick to your launch date


Remain committed to your launching schedule.  This will keep you committed to producing a great site, allow you to create some hype and ensure you do actually launch your site.  Although your site may not be quite as perfect as you would like, don’t worry.  You can always tweak it or make changes later on.

Commitment to launching your site on a given date will enable you to begin to engage your viewers.

If you’re part of a team, make sure you’re getting on time the feedback you need from your colleagues. Set up appointments with them with Calendly or one of Calendly’s alternatives.

Discuss what needs fixing so you don’t end up with a lot of fixes needed to be done right on the launch day.

Provide contact details to your viewers


When you first launch your site, you’ll be anxious to receive feedback.  How will your viewers respond?  What do they like about your site?  What intrigues them?  If your viewers can get into contact with you, they can share their feedback, guide you on any improvements you could make, or even simply engage as new clients.

Show your visitors that there is more to come


Once you’ve launched your new site, you will want your visitors to return.  Let your viewers know that there is more to come.  You can also let your new users know that you are open to changes, feedback and questions.  You can use your user experiences to move from a great site to an awesome one.


Once you’ve set a date for your new site, planned your launch and committed to it, it’s time to promote your site.  Ask your friends or social media followers to share your new information online.  You can also share your new site with people in your industry, even if you share a common market.

This will assist you in creating some hype.  Once you have attracted users to your site, consider any feedback carefully.  Your goal is to create a great user experience after all.

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