Floating Action Buttons: 20 Free Animations for Web Developers

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A floating action button is a beautifully animated web element that helps you expand your website’s functionality without overcrowding your UI design. Floating action buttons are generally used to promote and offer a quick access to the most popular CTA on your site.

You can trigger them by simply clicking on the specific button. This enables its animations and it will display the specific functions that you assign for it. These can be used for sharing on social icons, menu buttons, downloads, login forms, etc.

They are called floating action buttons since they seem to appear on top of your UI design, in a place that is easy to see and use.

Download and use these neat elements to makes your websites more appealing and user-friendly. Also, these often include beautiful animations with eye-catching effects that will keep your users engaged. You can use them in both websites and app designs.

Moreover, these items are available to download for free. Discover the functionality of each floating action button and integrate them into your projects.


Use this premium WordPress plugin to create multiple floating action buttons that you can use in multipurpose websites.

Floatton WordPress Floating Action Button with Pop up Contents for FormsPin

Add Button

This is a simple but very effective floating action button that displays multiple additional buttons when hovered over.

Add Button Floating Action Buttons

Responsive card

This floating action button has a fully responsive layout that adapts to perfectly fit any screen size. When used, it displays additional information about each person.

Material Design Responsive card Floating Action ButtonsPin

Angularjs Material floating button directive

Here is a stunning action button with eye-catching animations. This UI element can be used with various animations, such as a slide in – fade effect, zoom in, etc.

Angularjs Material floating button directive Floating Action ButtonsPin

Full-screen Search Transition

This is a very useful action button that, when clicked on, it displays a full-screen search, with a smooth transition effect.

Material Fullscreen Search Transition Floating Action ButtonsPin


This is a great button with a simple but very useful utility. When clicked, it displays a new window that you can use for other functions.

Expando Interaction Based on Google Material Design Floating Action ButtonsPin

Paper sheet Morphing

Here is another wonderful floating action button which you can quickly integrate into your designs. This UI element includes a neat animation that looks amazing.

Material Papersheet Morphing Floating Action ButtonsPin

Template cards

This action button adds a new card template each time you click on it. This makes it easier for your to add new similar elements to your design.

Material design template cards Floating Action ButtonsPin

Burger Menu

Burger menus are popular in both websites and mobile applications. This particular floating action button includes a neat animation effect that is triggered when clicked on.

Burger Menu Material Design Layout Floating Action ButtonsPin

Action buttons

Here you have a couple of floating action button variations with different designs and animations. You can download and use these for free.

Material Action buttonsPin

Card – For Blog Post Article

This is a neat action button that can be used to share content to social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google +.

Material Design Card For Blog Post ArticlePin

Multi button pure-CSS

This is another floating action button that can be used for social media sharing. When enabled, it displays 4 additional buttons that lead to various social media networks.

Multi Share Button in Pure CSS Floating Action ButtonsPin

Music Player

Here you have a beautiful action button that, when triggered, it displays a full playlist and a neat color overlay effect.

Material Music Player Floating Action ButtonsPin

A button with checkbox trick (NO JS)

This is a lovely floating action button that adds neat functionalities to your website, without overcrowding the design. You can enable it only when you need to use it.

action button with checkbox trick Floating Action ButtonsPin

Twitter Profile

Here is another useful floating action button that you can integrate into your applications. This can be used in your Twitter profile to add more functions.

Twitter Profile Floating Action ButtonsPin

Ionic Material Design

Here you’ll find very useful floating action buttons that you can use for multiple functions: application storage, share and social connect, advertising, push notification, and more.

Ionic Material Design Floating Action ButtonsPin

Login Form

This login form displays additional information that helps you successfully log in/ register to this application.

Material Login Form Floating Action ButtonsPin

Scroll Animation

This is a neat floating action button that you can use to add a scroll animation effect to your projects. See if this freebie is useful to your designs.

Material Scroll Animation Floating Action Buttons


You can download and use this floating action button for social network sharing. When triggered it displays additional social buttons that are otherwise hidden.

Material Profile Floating Action ButtonsPin

Leaflet Material Controls

Here you have excellent action buttons that you can use to quickly navigate through the map. These are very easy to use and will definitely ease your job.

Leaflet Material Controls Floating Action ButtonsPin

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