A2 Hosting Review – Your One Stop For Solution For Any Hosting Needs

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Today we will be reviewing A2 Hosting, a website hosting provider that has been helping thousands of websites with reliable, affordable hosting since 2003.

A2 Hosting isn’t like your typical hosting company. When you visit their home page, you will immediately see that they advertising speed. Website loading speed is extremely important in this day and age. As Google has announced that website loading times is one of website’s ranking factors, every website owner knows that a fast loading website gives them the best chance of ranking higher in organic search engine results. There are various hosting solutions that A2 Hosting provides, so let us look at each of them one by one:

Shared Hosting

A2 Hosting has several shared hosting plans at a very reasonable price:

  • Lite plan: $3.92/month (after discount). This plan is perfect if you are just looking to host a single website. It comes with cPanel, free SSD (extremely important to have your website run faster), unlimited storage and transfer, and a total of 5 allowed databases.
  • Swift plan: $4.90/month (after discount). This plan includes everything that’s in the Lite plan but it also allows you to host unlimited website. For such $1 more per month, you can host as many websites as you’d like with the Swift plan.
  • Turbo plan: $9.31/month (after discount). This plan includes everything that’s in Swift plan, however the big difference here is the Turbo boost. This means the server in this plan is specifically tuned to be extremely fast – in fact up to 20 times faster than your regular server. So if you’re looking to host unlimited websites and want the fastest possible server, the Turbo plan would be an excellent choice.

VPS Hosting

A2 Hosting has several VPS hosting plans for you to choose from:

  • Unmanaged VPS: starting at $5/month. This VPS plan is perfect for an experienced developer who does not need any help from the hosting company’s support. It gives you the flexibility of a VPS (most importantly – root access), and doesn’t carry the price tag normally associated with VPS plans. Here you can choose an optional cPanel control panel, choose the Linux OS, get 20 GB+ storage, 2 TB + data transfer, 512MB+ RAM and 1+ CPU cores.
  • Managed VPS: starting at $32.99 (after discount). This VPS is perfect for someone who doesn’t have much server admin experience and who wants A2 Hosting to take full care of them. This VPS hosting plan includes a free control panel, Full HostGuard management, from 75 GB storage, from 2 TB data transfer, from 4 GB ram and from 4 vCPU’s. This plan is a lot more powerful than the shared hosting plan, so if you are looking for more hosting power, this hosting plan may be a great option for you. It should be noted that this plan does not include root access, so if you need root access you need to look at the Core VPS plan.
  • Core VPS: starting at $32.99 (after discount). This VPS hosting plan includes everything that’s in Managed VPS but also includes root access. Having root access is always better when it comes to VPS plans as it gives you more flexibility, so our recommendation is to go with the Core VPS plan if you are in the market for a VPS.

Reseller Hosting

If you are looking to provide your own hosting, what better way to do it than through a reseller hosting plan. Reseller hosting allows you to package up and divide the resources you have available as a reseller and to sell them off as your own! A2 Hosting has 4 reseller hosting plans in total:

  • Bronze: starting at $13.19 after discount. This reseller hosting plan gives you a total of 30 GB storage, 400 GB data transfer, 40 accounts, free SSD, WHM control panel, free eNom Reseller Account, free WHMCS and comes with an anytime money back guarantee.
  • Silver: starting at $18.47 after discount. This reseller hosting plan gives you a total of 75 GB storage, 600 GB data transfer, 60 accounts, free SSD, WHM control panel, free eNom Reseller Hosting Account, free WHMCS and also comes with an anytime money back guarantee.
  • Gold: starting at $24.41 after discount. This reseller hosting plan comes with a total of 150 GB storage, 1 TB data transfer, free SSD, WHM Control panl, free eNom Reseller Hosting Account, free WHMCS and anytime money back guarantee.
  • Platinum: starting at $40.91 after discount. This reseller hosting plan has all that’s in the Gold plan, with only differences being 200 GB storage, 2 TB data transfer and 100 accounts.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is perfect for someone who wants to start small but has plans to scale up their websites. The advantage of cloud hosting is that scaling up is seamless – and doesn’t require any server transfer or downtime.

  • Start: from $15/month. This cloud hosting plan comes with 512 MB RAM, 10 GB storage, Unlimited inbound transfer, 2 CPU cores, 600 MHZ CPU speed and anytime money back guarantee.
  • Median: from $20/month. The Medium hosting plan has all that is in the Start plan, with the only difference being double the ram – at 1 GB total.
  • Ace: from $25/month. This hosting plan comes with 1 GB RAM, 25 GB storage, and everything else that’s in the Median plan.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is perfect for someone who either has one website that needs a lot of resources, or wants to host multiple relatively resource-heavy websites on one server.

  • Semi Dedicated Server. Starting at $9.31/month. This plan is actually the same as the Turbo plan in shared hosting. It has 8 GB virtual RAM, 2 X 2.1 ghz CPU cores, unlimited storage and transfer, 24/7/365 support and free cPanel. This plan is up to 20 times faster than your typical shared hosting plan. This plan does not give you root access.
  • Unmanaged Flex Server: staring at $99.59/month. This plan has root access, an optional cPanel license, from 2 X 500 GB hard drives, from 10 TB transfer, from 8 GB RAM and from 2 CPU cores. It should be noted that this server is unmanaged, so you either have to know how to manage your server, or have a server admin who can help you with it.
  • Managed Flex Server: starting at $141.09/month. This is the equivalent of an “all-inclusive” vacation – a server that has everything you need  where A2 Hosting’s support also takes care of any need you may need when it comes to your server. It comes with everything that’s in Unmanaged Flex Server, but also includes a free cPanel license, free HostGuard management, and again no root access.
  • Core Flex Server: starting at $141.09/month. It has everything that’s in the Managed Flex Server plus root access.

Final thoughts:

A2 Hosting is an excellent, well-rounded hosting company that offers many different types of hosting. You are sure to find a hosting plan that will suit your needs. So if you are in need of hosting, or you’ve grown tired of your current hosting company’s hosting speed or support, we urge you to give A2 Hosting a try.

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